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"We're watching Tarzan." Beth announced as Quinn and Puck entered the living room. "Mommy, can we name my brother Tarzan?"

Quinn smiled at Beth as she sat down on the couch. "We'll see, B."

"One movie and then bed." Puck warned Beth as he set it up before joining Quinn on the couch.

Puck wrapped his arm around Quinn and she snuggled up to him.

"Here." Beth said, putting a blanket over Quinn.

"Thanks, B." Quinn smiled. "Can I have a kiss?"

Beth grinned as she kissed Quinn. She gave Puck a blanket and sat down on the other side of him.

"Everybody comfy?" Puck asked, wrapping his other arm around Beth.

"Very comfy." Beth nodded.



By the end of the movie, the trio was falling asleep on the couch.

Quinn was laying with her head on Puck's lap, falling asleep while he played with her hair.

Puck turned off the TV as the credits started to roll. "Bedtime, Beth. I'll be right there to tuck you in."

"Okay." Beth replied sleepily. "Night, Mommy. I love you."

"Night, B. I love you." Quinn smiled as she sat up and rubbed her eyes as Beth walked away.

Puck smiled at Quinn. "I'm gonna tuck her in. Let's pack the hospital bag."

"We can do that tomorrow." Quinn stated.

"We'll make it quick, I promise." Puck said as he got up. He offered Quinn his hands. "Come on."

Quinn took Puck's hand and let him help her up.

"I'll meet you in the nursery." Puck told Quinn as they headed upstairs. "Don't fall asleep this time."

"I won't." Quinn yawned.

Puck smiled as he watched Quinn enter the nursery. He went to Beth's room and tucked her in.

"Nighty night, Daddy. I love you." Beth smiled.

"I love you, too, princess." Puck grinned as he kissed Beth's cheek. "Sweet dreams."

Puck closed Beth's door and went to the nursery, where he found Quinn packing.

"Alright, Fabray." Puck said. "Put me to work."

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