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Puck picked Beth up from Santana's at the end of the night.

"How was your date?" Beth wondered when Puck was tucking her into bed.

"You should be sleeping already, B." Puck noted.

"How was your date?" Beth repeated.

"Good." Puck answered. "Nat and I are going out again Thursday."

"Oh." Beth said.

"Is that okay?" Puck wondered.

"Yeah." Beth nodded.

Puck smiled as he kissed Beth's forehead. "Goodnight, Monkeyface. Love you."

"Love you." Beth repeated.


"I think Santana said something about stopping by later with Brittany to see Beth." Puck stated as he looked at Natalie. "Is that okay?"

Natalie nodded. "I love seeing your friends."

"And my old threesome babes." Puck teased.

Natalie rolled her eyes and smacked his arm playfully. "I like them."

"Santana and I are really close. She helped me when I first started raising Beth, actually." Puck explained.

"I didn't know that." Natalie said as she picked her head up from Puck's chest. "That's so sweet. Where is Beth?"

"Beth!" Puck called. "Tana and Britt are coming over!"

"Okay!" Beth yelled from upstairs.

"Beth's a great kid and I'm really glad she seems to like me." Natalie stated.

"She does like you." Puck said. "She really likes how you include her. She's never been left out before."

"Yeah." Natalie nodded. "I don't mind her. She's so well-behaved."

A knock on the door interrupted the couple.

"Beth!" Puck yelled as he went to open the door. "Santana's here!"

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now