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"To be honest, I'm worried about him." Quinn confessed. "He tells Natalie he's tired and then he goes out with other girls. He won't talk about Finn, and he..."

"Hey, guys." Puck said as he entered the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Jake shook his head. "Just catching up."

"Cool." Puck replied. "Where's Beth?"

"She went to show Marley and Sarah her room." Quinn answered.

Puck nodded and looked at Jake. "What'd you think of Natalie?"

"It seems like she really likes you." Jake noted.

"Yeah, but what'd you think of her?" Puck asked.

"I don't know her that well yet." Jake said.

"Right." Puck nodded as he looked at Quinn. "Did you show Jake the nursery yet?"

"Not yet." Quinn shook her head. "I thought you would wanna do that."

"Sure." Puck said, looking at Jake. "Come upstairs."

"Okay." Jake replied as he got up. "Need a hand, Quinn?"

"Actually, I'm gonna stay here and get some work done." Quinn decided. "I need to get as much done now so I can take a week or two off after the baby's born and then finish up."

"Don't overdo it." Jake advised her. "That's what you have Puck for."

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "Whatever you need, Q."



"Dude, are you okay?" Jake blurted as he walked around the nursery.

"What?" Puck asked.

"Quinn said-"

"Quinn worries too much." Puck interrupted. "She's all hormonal and stuff."

"Quinn said you haven't cried over Finn." Jake finished.

"I don't need to cry, Jake. Nothing's gonna bring him back." Puck hissed. He took a deep breath. "What do you think of the nursery?"

"Puck, you-"

"What do you think of the nursery?" Puck repeated.

"It looks really good." Jake noted.

"Yeah, it's just about done." Puck said.

"I still can't believe you're gonna have another kid." Jake smiled.

"I know." Puck smirked. "But I like to think I've been doing okay with Beth."

"Yeah." Jake nodded. "You're a good dad."

"Thanks." Puck replied.

"You're lucky, you know." Jake added. "Quinn's pretty cool with everything and lets you just be you."

"What do you mean?" Puck wondered.

"You know." Jake said. "You get to be this playboy rockstar and Quinn's cool with it. She doesn't expect you to drop or pause everything to be with her or anything."

"Well, it's not like I haven't been there for her." Puck pointed out. "From the minute she told me, I wanted to be involved and have her here."

"I know." Jake responded. "I'm just saying it's really cool that you don't have to give up anything."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and nodded slowly.

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