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Puck took a deep breath to calm himself down before entering the backyard.

"Hey." Santana said. "You okay?"

Puck shrugged as he joined Santana on the ground at the edge of the pool.

"Do you wanna be alone?" Santana offered. "I can go."

"No, I... I need you to be here." Puck decided. "Please."

"Okay." Santana said. She paused for a moment before looking at Puck. "Are you gonna go to Lima?"

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"For the services." Santana clarified.

"Of course." Puck answered.

"What about Beth?" Santana questioned Puck.

"I don't know." Puck said. "I guess I'll leave it up to her."

"Natalie left." Santana noted. "Everything okay?"

"I just have my hands full." Puck replied.

"Okay." Santana nodded as Quinn entered the backyard. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn repeated. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Not at all." Puck said. "Why don't you join us?"

"If I sit there, I won't be able to get back up." Quinn warned Puck with a small smile. "Besides, I'm not done unpacking. I just wanted to check on you three."

"Why don't you help Quinn unpack while I look after Beth?" Santana suggested as she looked at Puck. "And then we can order food and talk to her."

"I wanna talk to Beth after Rachel tells us what the plans are for the services." Puck said, shaking his head. "Besides, I don't wanna make Quinn feel like I'm hovering over her."

"Actually, I could use some help." Quinn replied, glancing at Santana. "And I'd appreciate the company."

"Okay, sure." Puck gave in as he got up.


"I'm gonna try to get a job for the summer so I can pay rent or whatever you need me to do." Quinn told Puck as she finished putting her clothes in the closet.

"That's not necessary, Quinn." Puck told her.

"You have enough to worry about without having to take care of me." Quinn pointed out.

"I'm not gonna take your money." Puck stated. "It's not like I need it, and you're still paying for school even though you're all online. Besides, you've been handling all the baby stuff on your own, too."

"Well, I know it's summertime, but when Beth goes back to school, I can pick her up when you're working." Quinn offered.

"We can figure it out when the time comes." Puck nodded. "You're gonna be really pregnant when Beth goes back to school."

"I know, but I don't wanna feel so useless." Quinn told Puck.

"You're not useless." Puck promised Quinn. "I don't want you worrying about a job when you're pregnant and getting your degree, okay?"

"Okay." Quinn repeated. "Did you talk to Beth about this?"

"She knows about the baby. I just have to tell my mom, Sarah, and Jake." Puck said as he put clean sheets on the bed and got Quinn a few more pillows. "You're all set."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled slightly as she sat down. She paused for a moment and looked at Puck. "When do you think you're gonna tell them?"

"I'll go call them right now." Puck decided.

"Okay." Quinn nodded.

"If you need anything else, text me or yell." Puck said as he walked to the door. "And make yourself at home, Q."

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