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Beth went back to looking at the picture. "She's pretty, Daddy."

"She's beautiful, Beth." Puck replied.

"How come you don't see her anymore?" Beth wondered. "And how come she doesn't see me?"

Puck put the book down and put his arm around Beth. "Your mom loves you very much."

"Then why doesn't she see me?" Beth asked.

Puck sighed. "She did. It was always hard for her. Right after you turned two, she went away to school."

"So?" Beth furrowed her eyebrow.

"She goes to a college in another state, so she can't come home all the time." Puck clarified.

"How come she doesn't stay with you and me?" Beth questioned Puck.

"Remember how I told you we were very young when you were born?" Puck asked Beth. She nodded. "Quinn had a very bright future ahead of her and I wasn't a good guy to her."

"You're the best." Beth stated, confused as to why Puck said he wasn't a good guy.

"You're the reason I became good. I wasn't nice to anyone and I didn't treat people how I should've." Puck explained. "Until Quinn and I were together waiting for you to come along."

Beth nodded and climbed onto Puck's lap. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, Monkeyface." Puck grinned as he kissed her cheek. "You feel any better?"

"Yeah. Can we get ice cream now?" Beth replied.

"Tana has ice cream and Daddy has a date."


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