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"B, you're gonna be late." Puck said softly. "Time to get up."

"I don't wanna." Beth groaned.

"I made waffles for breakfast." Puck told Beth. "If you come down, I'll let you have ice cream with them."

"I don't feel good, Daddy." Beth answered.

"I'm sorry. What's bothering you?" Puck frowned.

Beth shrugged.

Puck looked at the small blonde. "What can I do for you?"

"Stay here with me." Beth said as she grabbed Puck's arm. "Please, Daddy."

"What's the matter, Monkeyface? Did you have a bad dream?" Puck questioned Beth as he pulled her onto his lap.

"How come I don't have a mommy?" Beth wondered.

Puck's heart sunk as his stomach flipped. "W-What?"

Beth looked at Puck. "I don't have a mommy. I want one."

"Beth, we can talk about this later." Puck told his daughter. "You need to eat and get ready to go."

Beth's lip was quivering and she had tears in her eyes.

Puck's heart ached for her, but he never expected her to ask about Quinn. He thought he'd just tell her one day.

"Hey, it's okay." Puck said as he rubbed Beth's back. "I got you, B."

Beth sniffled and nodded. She squirmed out of Puck's arms and ran off.


After Puck dropped Beth off at preschool, he called Rachel.

"Noah? Good morning." Rachel answered the phone.

"Morning." Puck echoed. "I wanted to ask you if Beth mentioned Quinn when you and Finn were babysitting."

"No, she didn't. Why?" Rachel wondered.

"She was crying about it this morning. I figured maybe something happened." Puck explained.

"She didn't say anything to either of us." Rachel replied. "I hope she's okay."

"Thanks." Puck said as his phone beeped with another call. "I gotta go. Thanks again."

"No problem, Noah." Rachel replied before hanging up.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he looked at his phone screen. He put the phone to his ear again and answered the call.


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