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Puck got to the restaurant shortly after. He walked in and searched for Natalie. He couldn't find her.

Puck saw a girl with Natalie's hair color, but this girl had her hair down and was wearing makeup. She waved him over so he walked over.

"Did you get lost?" Natalie teased.

"No, I just didn't recognize you." Puck admitted sheepishly. "You look great."

"Thank you. You, too." Natalie smiled as Puck took his seat. "I have to say I'm a little disappointed you didn't bring Beth."

Puck laughed lightly. "Yeah, she doesn't usually come to these sort of things."

Natalie laughed lightly and sipped her drink. "Beth's a great kid, but I kind of wanna know more about her father. Maybe you could help with that?"

Puck nodded. "Well, I'm a musician. I just turned twenty-one in March. I've been raising Beth on my own since she came home from the hospital. And I haven't really had any serious girlfriends since Beth's mother, which wasn't even serious, but-"

"It must've been pretty serious if you got her pregnant." Natalie interrupted.

"You would think." Puck said as he sipped his drink. "But I haven't really brought any girls home to meet Beth yet."

"Well I'm sure someday someone will be the mother your ex couldn't be." Natalie stated.

"She would've been amazing if she tried." Puck said a little defensively. "Tell me more about you. You're a cashier."

"That's my second job. I work in a hospital and I'm going to college to become a nurse. My exam is in few months." Natalie informed Puck.

"My best friend's mom works in a hospital." Puck responded. "She works with adults mostly, I think, but she's a nurse, too."

"That's so cool." Natalie smiled at the similarity. "I just turned twenty in April, and I'm an only child. You?"

"I have a sister and a brother." Puck answered. "I'm the oldest, then Jake, then Sarah."

The pair got to know each other pretty well on their date. They had the same sense of humor and many similarities in their personalities.

At the end of the night, Puck realized he had a good time because he didn't want to say goodbye when they were heading home.

"What do you think about a second date?" Puck blurted as he held Natalie's car door open for her.

Natalie leaned forward and kissed him lightly. When she pulled away, she looked into his eyes. "That's what I think of that. Goodnight, Noah. Thank you for tonight. I had a great time."

"Me, too. Goodnight." Puck waved as he shut the car door and watched Natalie drive away.

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