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Santana, Brittany, Finn, Rachel, and Quinn arrived at exactly five. They didn't all come together, but it was a good coincidence.

Puck was nervous about Natalie coming since Quinn and Santana were there, but he decided not to tell them ahead of time.

"Thanks for coming. Make yourselves at home." Puck greeted them when he let them in. "Monkeyface!"

"Thanks for having us." Finn replied with a smile as a little blonde came running in.

Beth didn't know who to greet first so she went to Quinn. She hugged her before moving on to the next person.

"Q, can I talk to you inside?" Puck asked.

"Sure." Quinn nodded as she followed Puck into the kitchen. "What's wrong?"

"Natalie's coming over. She sort of invited herself after we ran into her at the grocery store and Beth told her about tonight." Puck explained. "I wanted to tell all of you, but I didn't want anyone to back out of dinner or scheme."

"Thanks for the warning." Quinn said.

"I'm gonna talk to her about you." Puck told Quinn. "I can't lie to her."

"It isn't lying, it's just not telling the whole truth." Quinn pointed out.

"That sounds like something you'd yell at me for saying." Puck chuckled.

Quinn smiled slightly. "I can handle this on my own. You really don't need to do anything."

"It's my kid, too, Q." Puck replied. "Plus, who are you gonna scream at when you're in labor?"

"I don't even wanna think about that yet." Quinn muttered as she put her hand to her baby bump.

"Sorry." Puck apologized. "I wanna be there for the appointments. If I'm allowed to be."

Quinn bit her lip. "Noah, I'm really fine on my own."

"Puckerman! Your whore is here!"

"You should go back inside." Quinn told him. "I'll be there in a minute."

Puck hesitated for a moment. "Okay."

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