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"Puck." Quinn replied.

"What's wrong?" Puck wondered, knowing something was bothering her.

"N-Nothing." Quinn stuttered. "I actually meant to call Finn."

"Oh." Puck stated. He hesitated for a moment. "How are you?"

"I have to go." Quinn sniffled as she hung up the phone.

Puck thought nothing of the call, but worried about Quinn at the same time. It was weird hearing her voice again, but it wasn't bad. He sighed as his responsibilities pulled him from his thoughts.

At the end of the day, Puck headed to Beth's school to pick her up.

Beth was quiet during the short car ride home.

"Are you feeling any better, B?" Puck asked as he and Beth went inside.

Beth shrugged.

"I'll tell you what." Puck began. "While you're eating your snack, I'm gonna go look for my yearbooks, and then we can sit and talk about your mom."

"Really?" Beth asked with a small smile.

"I'll show you pictures and tell you anything you wanna know." Puck offered. "Does that sound good?"

"Yeah." Beth nodded. "Thanks, Daddy."


"Wanna see my graduation picture?" Puck asked as he opened the yearbook.

"Doesn't Bubbe have it?" Beth asked.

Puck shook his head. "She threw it out. Uncle Jake and Aunt Sarah have it, I think."

Puck flipped through the book to his graduation picture.

"See? I was good-looking back then, too."

Beth rolled her eyes and looked at the book. "You had weird hair, Daddy."

Puck ran his hand through his full head of hair. "Believe it or not, my mohawk was really cool. Wanna see Finn and Rachel's pictures? And Tana?"

Beth nodded and curled up closer to Puck as she looked at the pictures.

Puck showed her Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, and Santana Lopez before flipping to the glee club page. There were pictures from sophomore, junior, and senior years on the pages.

"This was our yearbook photo in tenth grade." Puck pointed at the picture from sophomore year. He pointed at the champion glee picture. "And this is senior year."

"Weird hair." Beth noted.

Puck chuckled and nodded. "Yeah."

"Tana." Beth pointed at a picture of Brittany and Santana. "And Britty."

Puck nodded as he began to point out individuals in the champion photo. "Santana, Brittany, Rachel, Finn, Sam, Artie, Mike, Mercedes, Tina, Rory, Sugar, Joe, Kurt, Blaine."

"You." Beth pointed at Puck before pointing to the blonde in front of him. She looked up from the yearbook at her father.

"That's Quinn." Puck informed Beth. "She's your mother."

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