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"Hello, Puckerman." Santana hissed as she looked at Natalie. "Who's this?"

"My girlfriend, Natalie. You've met before." Puck stated. "Nat, you remember Santana, don't you?"

Natalie nodded and smiled warmly at Santana.

Santana grabbed Puck's wrist. "I need you to take a look at my car for a minute."

"I'll do it later." Puck said. "Where's Britt?"

"Dance class." Santana answered as she pulled on his wrist. "You'll do it now."

"I'll go tell Beth Santana's here." Natalie decided as she headed upstairs.

Puck followed Santana outside. "What's wrong with your car?"

"Quinn's in there crying her eyes out." Santana informed him. "You need to talk to her and fix things while I go see my favorite little niece and your newest whore."

"Fix what?" Puck furrowed his eyebrow as the Latina stormed off. "Santana!"

Puck sighed and opened the driver's side door. He looked at Quinn in the passenger seat. She was curled up in a ball with a blanket over her legs. Her blonde hair was longer than she usually kept it and she was wearing an oversized Yale sweatshirt, black leggings, and sandals.

"Hi, Q." Puck smiled slightly at her. "You wanna come inside?"

Quinn shook her head. "No, thank you."

"Are you okay?" Puck wondered.

"Santana didn't tell me we were coming here." Quinn muttered.

Puck didn't say anything for a few moments. "Do you wanna see Beth?"

Quinn shook her head. "Not now."

"Did I do something?" Puck asked.

Quinn took a deep breath as she pulled the blanket off. She put her legs down and Puck's looked at her swollen stomach.

"You're pregnant."

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