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"Daddy, look!" Beth exclaimed as she pointed at the dolls next to the conveyor belt at the cash register. "Pleeeeeeease."

Puck sighed. He was used to his daughter asking for new toys and dolls. After five years of raising her on his own, he knew her pretty well. "You can get one. Only one."

"Which one? The monkey or the frog?" Beth wondered.

"Monkey." Puck answered. "Because you're my little Monkeyface."

"She's so cute." The cashier, Natalie, smiled at Puck. "How old is she?"

"How old are you, B?" Puck challenged his daughter.

"I just turned five." Beth responded proudly. "Daddy says I'm gonna go to kindergarten in September."

"Yes you will, Monkeyface." Puck smirked proudly at how she remembered.

"Monkeyface. What a unique name." Natalie noted.

"My name's not actually Monkeyface." Beth glared at the girl as if she was stupid. "It's Beth Puckerman."

"I'm Natalie. Beth Puckerman, your total is $23.05." Natalie informed the small blonde as she held out her hand for the money.

"Daddy!" Beth exclaimed.

Puck laughed as he paid for the items. "Thanks for humoring her. I'm Noah."

"Nice to meet you, Noah. Your daughter seems like a good kid." Natalie replied.

"She is." Puck agreed. "She doesn't really have a lot of girls in her life."

"What about your wife?" Natalie blurted as she tucked a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

"Her mom?" Puck asked softly so Beth wouldn't hear. "We split years ago. She doesn't come around at all really, but she goes to Yale. She's busy."

"Well if Beth ever needs another girl in her life, my number is on the receipt." Natalie grinned. "Next customer, please."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now