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Puck canceled his date with Natalie for the following day, but had promised he'd call her to reschedule.

Puck spent a few days just hanging out at home with Beth and Quinn. He was too riddled with anxiety waiting to hear about Finn's funeral to even leave the house, and he hadn't been sleeping.


"Noah, it's Rachel."

"R-Rachel, hi." Puck stuttered. "How are you? I'm really sorry I didn't call, I just... I don't even know what to say."

"It's okay." Rachel responded. "To be honest, I've been so overwhelmed with getting back to everyone, so the less calls, the better."

"Yeah." Puck said. "How are you?"

"It doesn't feel real, and at the same time, it's all I can think about." Rachel answered, taking a deep breath. "But I've been in Lima with Carole, Burt, and Kurt, which has been a source of comfort. How are you? How's Quinn?"

"She's doing okay." Puck responded. "Hanging in there."

"Us, too." Rachel said.

"I'm really sorry." Puck apologized. "If you need anything, let me know."

"Thank you." Rachel responded. "The same goes for you. You and Finn were always really close, and he considered you family."

"Yeah, me, too." Puck said softly.

"I wanted to let you know that the services are this weekend." Rachel explained. "I know you're across the country, so if you can't make it-"

"No, I'll be there." Puck cut Rachel off.

"If you can't make it, we all understand." Rachel finished.


"Q, I need to talk to you."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I wanna go to Lima for the services." Puck blurted. "And I know you can't go, and since you came here so I could be a part of everything, if you don't want me going, I won't."

"No, if you wanna go, you should." Quinn told Puck. "It'll be good for you to be with everyone."

"What about you?" Puck asked.

"I'll be okay here on my own for a few days." Quinn promised. "Honestly, I'll probably take care of some things and sleep."

"What things?" Puck wondered.

"I have to get my medical records transferred here to my new doctor." Quinn answered.

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" Puck questioned Quinn. "'Cause I can ask Natalie to come hang out with you, if you want."

"I think a little time alone will be good for me." Quinn stated. "Plus, I can start planning which room I'm gonna take over and make the nursery."

"Mi casa es su casa." Puck reminded Quinn with a smile.

"Thanks." Quinn smiled back. "When you get back, we'll have to really start getting everything together."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Everything will be ready before he's ready."

"Yeah." Quinn repeated.

"And you're gonna be amazing with the baby." Puck told Quinn. "You're a natural, Q. You've been really good with Beth."

Quinn couldn't hide her grin. Puck's approval meant a lot to her. "Thank you."

Puck nodded and smiled back. "Get some sleep. I'm gonna call it an early night, too, because I'm gonna talk to Beth in the morning so she can decide if she wants to come to the services with me."

"Okay." Quinn said. "Goodnight, Noah."

"Night, Q."

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