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Quinn pulled her hand away from Puck and held her son's hand. She was crying again. "He's so perfect."

"See? Good things can happen from you and I having sex." Puck teased.

"Sit." Quinn offered as she started to move over.

"Stay there." Puck told her. "I'm fine."

"He looks like you." Quinn stated.

"Yeah, he almost has enough hair for a mohawk." Puck added with a smile.

"Yeah." Quinn smiled back. "Wanna hold him?"

"Sure." Puck nodded as he cradled the baby in his arms. The baby boy wrapped his hand around Puck's finger. "Q, did you see that?"

"I did." Quinn nodded, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Puck looked at her.

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. Her voice was raspy from screaming and crying.

"Why are you sorry?" Puck wondered.

"For all the crying." Quinn said.

Puck shook his head. "You don't have to apologize. Cry as much as you need to."

Quinn smiled slightly as the tears kept flowing.

Puck took a deep breath as he gently laid the baby back in Quinn's arms. "Do you remember the other day when I told you we needed to talk?"

"Yeah, you said you wanted to set a good example for the kids." Quinn reminisced.

"After you told me you loved me, it started to hit me." Puck explained. "I would rather be anywhere with you than anywhere with Natalie. She's a horrible person. I don't want Beth near her, I don't want Jake or Sarah near her, and I definitely don't want you near her."

Quinn didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything. She just nodded.

"I want you to stay in L.A." Puck blurted. "But only if that's what you want, too. I wanna see my son, and I want you to see Beth."

"Your son needs a name." Quinn stated. "I'm not naming our baby Tarzan."

"Well, if you're open to suggestions, I have one." Puck noted.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Hudson." Puck answered. "For Finn. You were right about me not being able to talk about him, but I wanna make sure the kids know who he was."

Quinn started sobbing again.

"Sorry." Puck apologized. "We can pick something else. I just thought-"

"I'm crying because I love it." Quinn interrupted.

Puck smiled. "Yeah?"

Quinn nodded and looked at the baby. "He feels like a Hudson. Do you wanna see if Beth's here yet? She should come meet her brother."

"Okay." Puck nodded back as he kissed Quinn's cheek. "I'll be right back."

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