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After Beth ate, Puck cleaned up and asked Santana to babysit while he went to talk to Quinn.

Except he didn't go to Mercedes and Sam's house. Instead, Puck spent the day running around L.A. trying to clear his head.

Around dinnertime, Puck headed home.

"Quinn wasn't at Mercedes' and she didn't answer her phone when I called her." Puck announced as he walked into the living room. He smiled when he saw Beth and Santana. "Hey."

"Hey." Santana repeated.

"Mommy did my nails." Beth announced happily as she held up her hands to show off the pink nail polish. "See?"

"Very pretty, B." Puck nodded. "Is Quinn still here?"

"She went upstairs to lay down." Santana answered. "But I don't know if she wants to see you."

"I just need to talk to her." Puck said, excusing himself. He went upstairs to Quinn's room and lightly knocked on the door.

The door opened and Quinn stood there. "I thought you were Beth."

"I need to talk to you." Puck responded.

"I'm tired." Quinn stated. "I'm trying to rest."

"I'll make it quick." Puck promised. "I shouldn't have called you a cheater, and I shouldn't have said you didn't care about... you know."

"You're right." Quinn agreed. "You shouldn't have."

"I'm sorry, Quinn." Puck apologized.

"Thank you." Quinn nodded slowly. "I forgive you."

Puck nodded back.

"I didn't come to Lima because I couldn't." Quinn explained. "Not because of the pregnancy, but because I was with Finn. And I couldn't go see everyone without feeling like..."

Quinn trailed off as tears filled her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." Puck comforted her. "It's not your fault, Q."

Quinn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I knew if I went there, I'd be too emotional, and I don't wanna jeopardize the baby's health or mine."

"I get it." Puck said softly. "Being there was really, really hard, too."

"I'm sorry." Quinn replied.

"It was hard enough seeing him in that coffin, and Beth was a mess." Puck told Quinn. "She wouldn't leave the bench in front of him and she kept telling him to wake up."

Quinn took Puck's hand and looked at him.

"Burt and Kurt were trying to keep it together for Carole and Rachel, but it sucked." Puck finished.

"And what about you?" Quinn wondered.

"Me?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded.

"I'm okay." Puck answered. "I've been keeping myself distracted and busy."

"And things with Natalie are okay?" Quinn questioned Puck. "Santana mentioned a fight?"

"Is this weird for you?" Puck responded. "Talking about my girlfriend?"

"Why would that be weird for me?" Quinn replied.

"Because of our situation." Puck shrugged. "You and me."

"It's not weird for me." Quinn stated. "You dated other girls the last time I was pregnant."

Puck nodded slowly.

"Is it weird for you?" Quinn asked.

"No." Puck said. "But I want you here. I don't want anyone driving you away."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Nat went through some of your things when I was tucking Beth in." Puck informed Quinn. "I cleaned everything up and I yelled at her to leave you alone."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly. "Beth said she heard you yelling this morning."

"Yeah, I told Nat to get the fuck out." Puck answered with a small smile.

Quinn smiled slightly and shook her head. "Are you happy with her?"

"Well, she's not you, but I think so." Puck stated, biting his lip. "If things were different, I'd..."

"I-I really need to rest, Noah."

"I'll leave you to it."

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