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"What do you mean?" Natalie wondered.

"She was dating my best friend and she cheated on him with me. We were drunk and I didn't use protection and..." Puck trailed off because Natalie knew the rest.

"So she's a slut." Natalie concluded.

"She's not. Nat, you're missing the point. She only cheated twice in her life." Puck informed his girlfriend. "That night and in junior year with Finn when they got mono."

"She only cheated twice." Natalie repeated. "Only twice. No big deal."

"You know how many times I've cheated?" Puck looked at Natalie. "On her when she was carrying my kid?"

Natalie looked at her boyfriend, surprised to see this side of him. "Everyone has a past."

"Exactly." Puck agreed softly. "We're not fighting about Quinn. It's all in the past."

Natalie nodded and smiled as she kissed Puck possessively.


The rest of the day dragged on. For once, Puck couldn't wait for Natalie to leave. Some days, she spent the night, but other times, she went home. It depended on their work schedules and Beth's school schedule. And the added factor that Puck didn't want Beth becoming too attached to any of his girlfriends if things wouldn't last.

Natalie left before dinner and Puck didn't beg her to stay. He was mad at her for acting like Quinn was the worst kind of person when Natalie probably did things in the past she wasn't proud of.

"Monkeyface! Dinner!" Puck called.

Beth came downstairs and sat at the table with Puck. "How come Mommy left?"

"She wanted to spend time with Tana and Finn." Puck informed Beth. "I think Finn and Rachel are flying home in a few days. So maybe we'll have everyone over tomorrow."

"Can I call her after dinner?" Beth asked.

Puck nodded and smiled. "Of course you can, but you have to eat everything on your plate, okay?"

"Okay!" Beth exclaimed.

Puck put a plate of chicken, macaroni and cheese, and asparagus down in front of Beth. He cut the chicken for her and handed her a fork. "Here you go."

"No green." Beth shook her head.

"We have a deal, Monkeyface." Puck reminded the blonde as he picked up one of the asparagus from his plate and ate it. "Look, it's really good."

Beth shook her head and pushed her plate forward. "No."

"Beth." Puck sighed. "There's only three on your plate. At least eat one."

Beth took a deep breath as she bit into one of her asparagus. She looked at Puck as she chewed it.

"Not bad, right?" Puck asked.

Beth hid a smile, pretending that it was disgusting. Puck knew her well and knew that despite her dramatics, she liked it. She finished the rest of her dinner with no arguments before getting up and even clearing her place.

Puck looked at his little girl, obviously impressed. He handed her his phone. "It's ringing."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now