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The next day, Puck dropped Beth off at school and headed home to mess around in his home studio. He called Quinn on the way, but she didn't answer the phone. Puck decided to call Finn.

"Hey, Puck." Finn answered the phone. "We just got home."

"Hey, good." Puck noted. "Is Quinn with you? I tried to call her."

"Rachel's helping her unpack in the guest room." Finn said. "I think she wants some space."

"I know, but she said she won't be able to fly in a few weeks and I just wanna make sure we'll all be together." Puck told Finn. "Like, if Beth and I have to come to New York so we can know the baby, we will."

"Quinn doesn't want you ripping Beth's life apart or moving across the country for her and the baby." Finn reminded Puck. "I really think you should give her space for a few days and let her decide what she wants."

"I don't want her to disappear from our lives again." Puck confessed. "Especially not now."

"She won't." Finn promised. "I'll make sure she won't."

Puck didn't say anything.

"Rachel knows when Quinn has doctor's appointments, and Quinn's been keeping us pretty updated." Finn explained. "So I'll make sure she gives you an answer before she can't fly anymore."

"Okay." Puck exhaled.

"Give her some space." Finn added. "It's all gonna work out."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Yeah, you're right. And thanks for looking after her, Finn."

"Of course."

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