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Tushar shook his head and held her hands.

"Nhi. I'll do anything to get your forgiveness but don't do this Zoya. Please baby. I love you."


"You would have trusted me if you loved me Tushar. But you assumed that I broke my promise on your assumptions."

She said wiping her tears which were not stopping. Tushar was crying too now.

She started walking away from him and he ran behind her to catch her arm.

"Don't! Don't create a scene Tushar. I don't want anything to do with you now."

She said jerking her hand from his hold and left his world break again.

She was so hurt and so angry. And he was the reason behind it. And he was going to earn her forgiveness and her love back.

He knew she loved him. And he would get her back now.

The next day he woke up like a man on mission. He made a few calls and was all set to win his lady back.

He drove off to his destination and parked his car.

He entered the building with confidence.

Zoya was talking to one of the employees instructing her what to do when she saw him walking towards her with confident strides.

He had his eyes on her and was walking in her direction. Zoya felt her heartbeat fasten and she gulped nervously but did not look away.

He walked towards her and straight to someone behind her.

She looked in shock. What just happened?

She turned around to see him and her jiju talking to each other. They went into his cabin and Zoya was confused.

Why was he here?

He came out of his cabin half an hour later and Zoya pulled him into hers.


He asked pretending to be shocked.

"Why are you here? I have already told you that we are over Tushar."

She asked angrily and he said.

"Business work. And yes. Ab jab tumne dobara baat chhedh hi di toh I was also thinking of this. I mean ab nothing is left between us jo ye relationship continue ho."

(Now that you have touched the topic again.)

She was shocked. Definitely not expecting this. She wanted him to fight and convince her to stay.

"But I have one condition."

He said and she looked at him. He moved one step closer making her step back.

"Look into my eyes and tell you don't love me anymore."

He said and she looked into his eyes surprised. Clearing her throat she looked into his eyes.

"I-I don't love you."

She said. Her lips speaking something else and her eyes speaking another story. He smiled. She couldn't even lie.

"Hmm. That means I don't affect you anymore, right?"

He asked taking a step closer making her step back again.


She confirmed and he moved closer.

"That means it won't bother you if I see someone else, right?"

He asked and she felt and uneasiness settle in her heart. Was he actually giving up on her?


She whispered and he moved one step more closer. She was now by the wall and they had three steps distance between them.

"It won't bother you if I get married to someone else?"

He asked and she fisted her hands not liking the visual.


She confirmed and he moved another step closer.

"It won't bother you if I kiss someone else or make love to her?"

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in anger. She gave a small nod and he covered the remaining distance. He leaned near her ear and whispered.


She opened her eyes as her breath hitched. Her body tingled and a shiver ran down her spine.

He pulled back and smirked at her. Giving her a wink he left from there and she rested her head back on the wall.

A smile slowly made way on her lips. She missed him so much. Yesterday she was angry that he did not come to her but now that she was normal she wanted to be with him.

But she wanted to make him work for making her wait so much because of his stupidity.

The next day she was informed that they were working on a project together with Tushar's company and she was selected to head it.

What a coincidence! She thought sarcastically.

She was asked to visit his office and start working on it immediately.

Rolling her eyes she went there as desired.

Asking about his cabin at the reception she reached there and knocked.

Tushar was waiting for her and gave permission a little too enthusiastically.

She came in and gave him a bored look and he pretended to be surprised to which she rolled her eyes.

He chuckled and welcomed her.

"Since we are going to he partners now. Aap yaha jab chahe aa skti hai. And please feel free to use this cabin as you want. Make yourselves comfortable there."

(You can come here whenever you want.)

He said pointing towards the couch. She sat there and he sat on his chair. Admiring her.

She knew he was looking at her but didn't look back at him. She continued to do her work and he continued to do his. Looking at her.

Few hours later both of them got busy in work when the door was burst open and Aisha came jumping in. Tushar got up with a smile and she hugged him tightly.

"I missed you."

She pouted and he kissed her head.

"I missed you too."

Zoya was sitting there gaping at this man's sheer audacity. He claimed to be in love with her and was openly embracing another woman in front of her.

She cleared her throat to get their attention and Aisha pulled back.

"Sorry. I didn't know you had meeting."

Tushar shook his head.

"Aisha this is Zoya. My new partner and... friend."

He said taking a pause and Zoya's breath hitched at the intensity of his gaze.

Oh she was his friend. A very close one at that. She was his girlfriend.

"And Zoya this is Aisha. My baby sister."

Zoya smiled remembering that he told her about his sister. She greeted her and Aisha greeted her back.

She left leaving the two to work and Tushar smirked knowing Zoya was jealous of Aisha thinking her to be someone else. Zoya rolled her eyes ignoring it.
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