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Three months after their daughter's birth and Rehaan now understood why his taya abbu was constantly worried about Mehreen.

He would kill for his daughter. And would destroy every person who bought tears in her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes and gave him a lazy smile Rehaan was sure that he could not have loved a human who he had just met but she was his jigar ka tukra.

And baby Dua had his heart in her little fists from the moment she made entry into the world crying and screaming.

Her cute pouty lips, big doey eyes and cute little nose. She was a copy of her mother.

Rehaan was standing with his daughter in the balcony and showing her the star filled sky while making cute noises on which Dua giggled.

After playing with her baba to her heart's content the little girl yawned and in the next moment her eyes started drooping.

Rehaan took her to Mehreen who fed her and patted her to sleep.

She put Dua in her cot and placed a soft kiss on her head.

Rehaan held his wife from behind and kissed her shoulder looking at their daughter over her shoulder.

"She is so precious Mehreen! Thank you so much meri jaan for giving me the most beautiful daughter we could have had."

Mehreen smiled and turned in his arms hugging him tightly burying her face in his chest.


He called out seriously after some time and she pulled back looking at him.

"I don't think she will be able to bear all my love. We need another baby for that."

He exclaimed and smiled sheepishly at the end making Mehreen gasp and hit his arm.

"Jee nhi! Don't even think of coming anywhere near me for atleast 4 years."

(Absolutely not!)

That made him pull her closer. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"Not gonna happen baby! I am not letting anyone of you go anywhere away from me. I can't wait to have you anymore."

He whispered the last part huskily and she felt her breath hitch. He slowly caressed her shoulders moving down her arms with his hands and intertwined their fingers.

"Kya mujhe ijazat hai Mehreen?"

(Do I have the permission Mehreen?)

She smiled and nodded lowering her eyes in shyness.

He slowly brought his hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles lightly before picking her up bridal style.

He took her to bed and dimmed the lights in case their daughter decides to wake up and got scandalized seeing her parents in a compromising position.

*Mature content ahead*

He hovered over her and slowly leaned in. He kissed her softly pouring all his love in the kiss.

He deepened the kiss and the pace turned hungry and he poured all his desire in the kiss.

She clutched his hair and tugged at then lightly making him groan in her mouth.

Leaving her lips he trailed kisses down her neck and shoulders.

He started opening the buttons of her button down kurti slowly revealing her breasts which were almost double its original size and extremely tender owning to her pregnancy.

She was not wearing a bra underneath because they were in their room and she discarded it at nights.

As her breasts came into view he cupped them and kneaded them making her moan.

He took her nipple in his mouth and teased it with his teeth. She panted and started to remove his shirt. He helped her and threw it somewhere on the floor.

She scratched his back as he started trailing kisses down her breast to her stomach while unbuttoning her kurti.

Once it was done her kurti joined his shirt on the floor. He kissed the stretch marks on her belly. The proof and home to their daughter.

He came back up and kissed her lips softly.

Then looking into her eyes he slowly pulled her leggings down.

He kissed his way up from her toes to her thighs. She shivered when he kissed her inner thigh and he left a few marks there being weirdly proud of it.

Her breath hitched when he pulled her panties down and put his mouth on her core.

He had done that multiple times but it still made her feel like he was doing it for the first time. She was so addicted to his touch.

She found her release and he came up to kiss her.

She fumbled with his jeans button and he got up almost impatiently and threw his jeans and boxers away.

He took out a condom from the side drawer and sheathed himself.

Positioning himself near her entrance he slolwy entered her inch by inch.

She mouth parted in pleasure as he settled inside her and she clutched his back trying to accomodate him after so long.

He stilled giving her time and moved when she asked him to. He started at a slow pace which gradually increased as they made passionate love to each other.

Soon the room filled with sounds of skin slapping against each other and heavy breathing.

With a final thrust Mehreen and Rehaan found their releases and slumped on each other.

Rehaan pulled out and cuddled her close to himself kissing her head over and over.

*Mature content over*

They were basking in the aftermath of their love when the room filled with noise of shrill cry.

Their daughter was up. Mehreen looked at Rehaan and laughed. She was such an attention seeker.

Not having time to button up her kurti she wore Rehaan's shirt instead and craddled her daughter to her chest.

Dua quietened up and slept off immediately. Putting her back to sleep Mehreen turned back to see Rehaan now in his pyjamas.

He opened the duvet for her and she got in immediately snuggling into his warmth.

Both of them sighed in content and slept peacefully in each other's arms.

This was the beginning of their happily ever after.❤️
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