1: Beginning

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At age 5 Izuku was excited to go find out what his quirk was and why it was taking so long to appear. Hand in hand with his mother, they walk to doctors to see if he truly had a quirk. His mother didn't say anything but she was worried for her son, she doesn't care what kind of quirk he develops or if he develops one at all. But she knows what quirkless people go through growing up.

Izuku always wanted to be a hero, to stop the bad from hurting the innocent. Ever since he saw a hero stop a villain from attacking a civilian when he was a bit younger with his mother at a mall, he was enraptured with the idea of protecting the powerless.

He didn't care about ranking, sure All Might is awesome and he is the best at stopping people from getting hurt. But he admires him just for that, being the best at stopping the bad guys, not for being the number 1 hero.

Back to the present, they wait for the doctor to call the Midoriya's for their appointment.

"Mama, what do you think my quirk is?" Asks Izuku excited.

"I'm not sure, no one is sweetie. We are here just to see if you have a quirk. How we find out what it is will be by trial and error." Inko replies happily to see her son so full of life.

Izuku tilts his head in confusion "What do you mean?" Trial and error? What does that mean?

She coos internally at the sight of her son being adorable. "I mean that I didn't know what my quirk was, I found out by accident when I was about your age. I was watching TV on the couch with the remote out of reach and I tried to reach for it without having to get off the couch, I was being lazy. And suddenly it's in my hand." She explained.

They hear a nurse call their name and they follow. After a couple of blood tests to see if he had a quirk factor, to begin with. They meet with one of the doctors in the clinic.

"Hello, I'm sure you're excited to see if you have a quirk." The doctor says with a smile to see a child vibrating with anticipation. He tells them that Izuku does have a quirk factor but so it confirms he has a quirk, to the relief of Inko. Izuku just vibrates more in happiness. His mom puts a hand on his head to calm him down. He looks up with a beaming smile.

The doctor looks on with a smile to see the interaction. "We have some further tests to see if we can find out what his quirk is. Just some experiments to see if he activates anything. Or you guys can call it a day and try to figure it out on your own. Up to you." The doctor interrupts the sweet moment.

Inko thinks for a moment, before looking at the excited child. "What do wanna do Izuku?" She asks. Inko personally would like to do the tests in a safe place but will let her son decide.

"I wanna do the tests!" He exclaimed. Making his mother's wish come true.

"Well alright, please follow me." The doctor says leading them farther back into the clinic. They go on to do some different tests. Trying to lift a rock without touching it, trying to set said rock on fire. After many tests later the doctor notices some weights Izuku tried to lift beforehand had some cracks in the handle. Thinking Izuku's quirk had to do something with his hands. He calls him over to try the 10lb weight again. He fails to pick it up, too heavy for a 5 yr old child.

The doctor sees it has a larger crack going down the handle, and he thinks he has an idea.

"Here try to bend this." As he hands Izuku a thinner wood rod. Izuku looks at it and tries to break it.

It snaps immediately.

So he hands him something thicker wood.


He goes to a wooden 2x4. It takes him more effort but Izuku breaks the board in half. While Inko looks on in confusion, how is he strong enough to break a board but not lift a weight?

The doctor gives Izuku a thin metal plate. "Try to rip it apart." He asks the child. With a mighty effort, he hears a creak of metal before he is too tired to continue. Izuku looks at the plate to see he had sheared half of it apart.

Izuku is so confused about how he ripped metal apart but did not lift a weight off the ground.

"Intresting..." The doctor says as he takes the plate from Izuku to look at. The metal is torn about 2 inches, a couple more and it would be 2 pieces. The plate is not deformed like he has seen on strength quirk users try, but this is more like two people with telekinetic quirks pulled on each side.

The small group heads back to the office. Mother and child are confused about how Izuku's quirk works. They all sit down as the doctor takes some paper, about 10 sheets, and gives it to Inko. "Try to rip them and tell me how much effort it takes." As he gives 10 more sheets to Izuku.

Inko does so with some force showing on her face. The doctor gestures to Izuku to do the same. He does it without much effort at all. Inko thinks she understands what her son's quirk is. Quite an odd mutation from telekinesis and fire breath.

Izuku still confused asks, "How does my quirk work if I'm not strong but can rip stuff like metal?"

The doctor smiles and says "That's what your quirk does, it rips stuff apart. Very unique, to be able to tear metal but not lift a weight.  Then again just remember quirks are weird." He shrugs.

Izuku thinking of how he could be a hero with this almost misses what the doctor says.

"Now any idea what to name your quirk?" Izuku thinks he has a good name

"Yes, name it Rip n Tear." His mother thinks it is a bit violent but doesn't say anything. Happy that her son has a good quirk they leave the clinic. As they head out Inko asks him if he wants anything for dinner. Of course, she already knows what he will say. "Katsudon!" He exclaims

The next day Izuku runs to school, excited to tell Kacchan what his quirk is. Kacchan already had his quirk, explosion. He has been getting louder and a bit mean, but hopefully he calms down some as they grow.

He runs up to his friend. "Kacchan, I know what my quirk is!" He yells drawing everyone around to his voice.

"Oh really, I bet it's nothing compared to mine!" Katsuki says with a look of superiority.

As Izuku explains and shows what he can do with some paper. Kachan laughs at him for having such a weak quirk. Mocking him by ripping some paper himself. As all the other kids around start to join in, Izuku tries to say he can tear different things but Katsuki pushes him and says "Your probably lying, you don't even have a quirk do you." As Izuku gets more and more frustrated not being able to say that he could do more, he pushes him back and leaves in a fit of anger.

Katsuki thought how dare he push him, the best. Attacking Izuku with his quirk pushes him to the ground as Kacchan's friends watch on with a laugh. Kachan yells "You're nothing but a quirkless Deku!" As the teachers come over to break it up, Izuku stares in anger, betrayal, and sadness. Why would Kacchan attack him and say mean things? Friends don't do that.

Later as Izuku is in his room he thinks about the day. If Kacchan wants to be mean fine he won't be friends but this will not stop Izuku from his dream of being a hero. As he plans what he needs to be a hero. His mom comes in to check on him and see he is determined to be a hero, in worry she thinks it will be dangerous, quirk or not. She leaves to see how she can help him achieve his dream. She sees a flyer in the mail for martial arts for kids and thinks 'perfect'.

Inko tells her son about it and he eagerly agrees. Talking about training his quirk his mother thinks of what would be a good idea and thinks up of a beach full of trash, that could work but only she was close by. They sign him up for class and look up what else Izuku would need to be a hero.

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