15: Internship

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After finishing his paper to turn in for his internship, he started to pack up. Seeing Iida leaving first with a look on his face reminded him of Iida's brother getting crippled by the Hero Killer Stain. He should probably talk to him as a class representative. Finishing up, he quickly caught up with Iida to see how he was doing.

"Hey Iida, got a moment?" Izuku said as he walked up to the square boy.

"Sure, what is it you need?" He said stiffly. It was hard to tell if it was normal stiff or not.

Pulling him into a private area to speak Izuku said "So where are you planning to go for internships?" He decided to break the ice first.

"Ah I'm am going with the Pro Hero Manuel. I hope to learn much from him. And also if you wish to speak about my brother, don't worry I'm fine." He said, cutting off the next question Izuku was going to ask. He then quickly said that he needed to leave and did so. Izuku only barely caught a glimpse of anger on his face before he left.

Ochako so caught up with him and asked him what that was about. Telling her about his brother put her in a gloomy mood. He could sympathize, who knows what he would do if someone like Stain would hurt his mother or Ochako. Putting it out of his mind, he went to the teacher's lounge with his girlfriend to turn in his paperwork.

She asked him who he ended up selecting. When he told her, she flipped out. Jealous that he got to go with Mirko and who knows what else she began to ramble about. The battle rabbit is Ochako 2nd favorite hero. Ochako ended up going with Gunhead, she wanted more combat training to add to what Izuku gave her.

After waking up a sleeping caterpillar once more, they left to have dinner at Izuku's house. Inko of course told, read ordered, to come over every night for dinner when she found out about being alone in her apartment. Izuku was more than happy to portal her anytime she wanted.

The week went by quickly and now the class is meeting up at the train station to go their separate ways. Izuku tried to talk to Iida again but was more firm about being ok. Not being able to do anything he went to his girlfriend. After giving a big hug goodbye to his girlfriend. Jiro said in the background with a teasing smile, "It's not like he's going off to war."  They got on their trains and left for their mentors for the week.

Soon he was in front of a small building, going in he saw only a reception desk with a woman sitting there. Asking about the internships and introduced himself. As he was going to shake her hand, Izuku had a bad feeling and dove backward. A loud CRACK was heard as he got back up for a fight with a villainous ambush. Dust was everywhere from the broken ground, and in the newly formed crater was an outline of a person. With instincts that he honed for years, he didn't hesitate to neutralize the target and keep the lady behind the desk safe until a hero showed up. Dashing forward, as to attack from the front, he tore a portal to the person's side closest to the receptionist.

Sprinting faster than he ever did he went to grab the person before anything escalated but the ambusher dodged out of his grasp by millimeters. Still in the dust cloud, he could not see his opponent, so he tore a portal to UA's front gates and yelled at the receptionist to go to safety. Only to see the lady calm, like she was expecting this. She must be part of the plan, backing away from the person in the dust and the so-called receptionist, he waited in a defensive position not knowing their quirks. The one in the dust must have some sort of physical enhancement quirk and the other he couldn't say.

Just as he was going to make a portal to the physical assailant's neck, he heard "Alright that's good." A woman's voice came to him. Dropping low and ready for something to come at him, he saw the one in the dusk walk forward with their hands on their hips.

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