36: First Patrol

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Izuku did his homework as Ochako dabbed his busted lip with alcohol wipes that Yayoruzo threw over. He had to admit, the hammocks are incredibly comfortable. Izuku and Ochako sat with their legs hanging over as did many of his classmates.

"I'm gonna give Rumi a piece of my mind next time I speak to her." Ochako said while balling up the used wipes.

"I gave just as good as I got. And thanks for cleaning it, I guess no more kisses until it's healed." He said finishing up what he had to do. He felt at the cut and it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Ochako gave him a narrowed eye look then whipped out her phone. "I'm going to call her now." She was tackled in a hug by Izuku to stop her.

"I'm joking, see?" He wrapped his arms around hers so she couldn't move then kissed her temple. "Ouch." He whispered

She giggled and then pushed him away. "Oh, by the way Nejire spoke to Tsu and me about interning with Ryukyu with her. We will be meeting with her sometime this week!" She said excitedly.

"That's great! But what happened with Gunhead, don't you want to return to him? Did he do something?" He asked the last part with a dark look in his eye.

She swatted him hard on a bruise and Izuku winced. "Stop that. No, he just doesn't take paid interns." She explained to a sheepish Izuku.

"Selki is the same, so I'm going with Ochako to see Ryukyu." Tsu said from above the two.

"I got an invitation from Tamaki to go with Fat Gum! I've always liked that hero!" Kirishima said while swinging in his hammock a bit too much to be safe.

"Hawks asked me to return if I wish." Tokoyami said from his perch while reading a black book. Dark Shadow was stretched out above him playing Uno with Mina and some others.

"That's great! What about you Shoto? Are you going back with your father?" He asked the boy in the hammock, he seemed very relaxed.

"Maybe later, but he has already given me the paperwork necessary to turn in. I'll do it later." He said with a small smirk.

"What the hell?" The class heard from below. Looking down to the floor was Aizawa who was looking up at all of them with his hands on his hips.

"Wanna join?" Sero asked, aiming at a free spot at the top with his elbow.

A few minutes later everyone went back to their own thing with a giant caterpillar in a hammock at the top. At some point, someone pointed out that they were hungry but didn't want to get out of their seat. They began to make a plan to make food from the kitchen without getting up when everyone looked at Izuku who was munching on a sandwich with Ochako. Next to them was a portal leading to the kitchen counter with the ingredients laid out.

"What?" Izuku asked while taking another bite. The sandwich crunched from the chips he put in between the sandwich meat.

"Would you please ge-" Mina was asking with pleading eyes when Ochako interrupted her. "Get your own food." Mina harumphed and jumped off the hammock to the kitchen. Thru the portal, all the food the couple had was moved out of range. Izuku just tore the portal wider in response giving him a view of an annoyed pink girl. The rest of the class got off their places, some crashing bodily to the ground, and headed to the kitchen.

The rest of the night was spent with friends and laughs abound. Kaminari tried to cook hotdogs with his quirk only and ended with exploded hotdogs all over the kitchen. Todoroki acted as a stove for Sero and Hagakure since the other stove was being used and they wanted Mac n Cheese. Todoroki obliged but didn't have too fine of control and ended up boiling the water too much then freeze them in a panic. The pot cracked from the temperature shock and dropped the block of frozen water and raw pasta. Izuku and Ochako watched it all like some sort of reality TV thru a portal.

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