2: Growing up

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Time skip

As an 8-year-old Izuku heads home after practicing his quirk on the trash beach. He thinks back to how much he has improved. That plate the doctor had given him to try his quirk for the first time can be torn into shreds like paper to him. He has been very serious about being a hero and training to be one. At his martial art classes, he does well for his age group but continues to strive to be the best he can be.

As he gets home he showers and head to his room to finish his homework. Just because he wants to be a hero doesn't mean he gets to slack on his studies, his mother always tells him. He does well in school always on the top of his class in grades. Speaking of school Katsuki has not gotten any better, still the jerk he is. At least he can avoid him, he doesn't have anything to prove to Katsuki. If he wants to continue to think that Izuku is lying about having a quirk let him. He tried to tell him that he did but he continued to yell and scream that he is better. Izuku just gives up and walks away.

His mother calls him to help I'm the kitchen and goes to do so like the good son he is. As his mom tells him to cut the pork into smaller pieces for cooking. Doing so he hits a bone he can't cut thru and stops before asking his mom what to do. He stops and thinks about his quirk. He has never used it on organic material, always on metal, plastics, and the such. Wood is classifieds as organic so why not bone? He does have clean hands he just washed them. So he grabs the bone and tears it like paper. His mother turns around so fast she almost gives herself whiplash, looking at her son with a thick pork bone in each hand.

Izuku looks up with a bit of surprise at how easy it was to break bone with his quirk. He never thought it would be hard but it was like paper to him.

"Well, now you know how dangerous quirks can be. Please don't try to do that on anyone unless you are in an emergency." She said with a bit of concern about how simple it would be for him to tear someone apart. He nods and continued to cut the pork, tearing bones apart every once in a while if they get in the way.

A year or so later, Izuku is walking home after dark. In a safe neighborhood with plenty of heroes in the day and night watching over the area, he had little too worried about. He went to a local grocery store to get some spices and sweets he snuck into the grocery list. He was snacking on it when he hear a growl from a dark alleyway. He froze and spun to look at a large dog stocking towards him. It didn't seem to have a collar and no one else was nearby to claim he got off their leash. Izuku slowly backed up scared of this stray dog looking at him like his next meal.

He backed away and reached for his phone to call for help. He is good at his martial arts but not to take down a dog about his size. Thinking about how this dog was going to tear him apart and leave his mother alone resolved his will. He will not be eaten alive by some feral dog. As he thought that the dog pounced and missed Izuku's leg by inches. As he tried to call the police for help on his phone the dog got him by the leg. Screaming in pain, he looked down at the dog shaking and trying to tear a piece of his leg for food. Izuku punched and punched but why would not let go?! With tears in his eyes, he steeled his resolve and grabs the mutt by the jaw and TEARS it apart. With a whimper and a whine, the dog let go and went limp next to the mauled leg.

Eraserhead was just starting his parol and finishing his sweet nectar of life, coffee. When he heard a cry of pain, it sounded young too. Immediately sprinting to the sound, jumping roof to roof he hears a loud CRACK and then whimpering. He finds the young green-haired child with a nasty bite mark on his leg, bleeding profusely. He looks at the other shape and sees a large dog, it had to have a quirk or something because it was big. He had read of a report of multiple mauled and eaten carcasses of small animals and other dogs, to keep an eye out and he is pretty sure he knows who has been leaving small animals eaten.

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