3: Portal

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Time skip 13 years

As Izuku grows more and more he understands his quirk and how dangerous it is. Not because of the incident with the dog, no he already understands how easy it would be for him to kill someone but he decided when he uses his quirk, not something else. He has come to peace with that, not that he thinks his quirk is dangerous because he can rip and tear anything he can get his hands on. So far at least.

He has been practicing his quirk still at the beach and decided he will clean as he goes. Tearing a car in parts to drag them to a dumpster and collecting garbage. So far it is about half done. While practicing he learned a new way to use his quirk, instead of finding an edge or some way to pry things apart he is now just jamming his hands into the metal itself and pulling them apart. After all, he is tearing INTO the metal so why wouldn't it work lo and behold it does. Now he can just jam both his hands into whatever he wants in 2 pieces and be done. He was very happy with this development.

But back to the matter at hand how dangerous his quirk is. He sat at his desk and thought about and he could, IN theory, he was wary of trying it, tear a hole in the air in front of him. In doing so one of a couple of things would happen, he tears a hole in space and makes a portal, hurray a new way to use his quirk. Or tear a hole in space, sucking everything around him in like a black hole, not good. The last thing that could happen is to tear a hole in space and break the universe. The last one is more because of a movie he watched with his mom and got stuck in his head. But he really really wants to open a portal. While yes he is happy with his quirk and what he can do. How can he be the best hero he can be if he won't use all he can? In the dojo, he uses all his limbs and muscles, so in being a hero he should use all he has to offer.

So he says fuck it and heads to the beach. When he gets there he starts by focusing on what he wants to tear. The space in front of him to 5 feet farther ahead. He pictures a portal going in front to the point he wants. Because how else is he going to try this, ask his teacher how to rip a hole in space. So he will do what he does best, his best.

So he focuses on point A and point B and jams his hand in the air in front of him. And he feels something, maybe the air he tore. He tries again and again. Some people walk by seeing a kid throwing their hands in the air and walking on, shaking their heads.

So he continued trying to tear a hole in the space in front of him. After the 20th try, he sees something happen, a green and black outline on his hands. He stops and looks at his hands and fingers, and feels alright. So he tries to summon that green and black light again. After 4 more tries he does it, a green and black lightning is emitting from the points of his fingers. He observes it and how it feels, then he pushes his hands deeper into the muted light. It is a bit hard but he sees his hands go deeper until they are in the middle of his palms. Now he pulls apart, tearing a hole bigger and bigger after some effort he lets go expecting it to snap close, but no he succeeded.

A green and black tear in the space with a bit of lighting arcing out the edge is standing in front of him. With a victory scream into the air and a fist pump he looks at the tear. He sees through and sees about 5 ft in front of where he was standing, just like he wanted. He ran to the other side of the tear and he see through it. Smiling he decided to test it, now he is smart enough to know to try throwing things thru first. Good thing he is on a trashed beach. After a few things go thru he looks at the other stuff and sees it's all good. Now something organic, he grabs an apple he brought for a snack later and throws it thru.

He grabs it and looks at the apple looks fine, he bites it and tastes fine. So by that logic, it's fine. He finished the apple and decided for the ultimate test, he runs and jumps thru the tear in space.



He is fine, just with a jackhammer of a heartbeat. He starts to laugh and then cackle in delight that he can make portals. He can help so many people once he is a hero with a portal to a safe location, so excited he turns to look at the tear again to see it gone. He looks and it seems to have closed, good because he had no idea how he was going to close it. That's the next test then!

He tries to open another tear and does so on the 3rd try, he needs more practice to where he can open them in a second. This time he opens it with the other end as far as he can see on the beach which would be about 125 feet. All seems to be fine, he shrugs and jumps thru. The tear closed after, so it seems if he goes thru the tear it closes behind him but what if he wants to close it without going thru it? So he opens a tear this time as far as he can see into the ocean, to test his limits. It opens he feels no strain, no pressure, nothing all good. He looks thru the tear and sees all blue. He doesn't know how far he opened the portal but he sure isn't going thru it. Lest he wants to drown who knows how far from shore.

So he focuses on the edge of the tear and tries to close it, but nothing. Ok then, grabbing it also doesn't work its fixed in place, so he just thinks close. And it works! How simple, this is great as he was celebrating he receives a message from his mom that dinner will be done soon. Looking at the time he sees he spent hours working on this. With a happy smile he heads home but before that one last test, the pictures a tear in his living room. He opens a tear on the second try and looks thru the tear to see his mother standing in the kitchen looking straight at me. Izuku cackles some more at the success and jumps thru.

His mother still staring at him waiting for an explanation, he smiles even more and goes to hug his mother.

"While I do love the hug, can you explain why there was a hole in the living room that scared the green from my hair? And you came through it?" As she hugs back demanding an explanation.

He was confused "Why did you get scared it was quiet, no?" He asks his mother.

Also confused she says no there was a tearing sound coming from the living room that's why she got spooked. Thinking back to the beach he doesn't remember hearing a noise, maybe only from the end tear, you can hear it. Shrugging he goes on to explain how he had a theory that he could tears a hole in space, basically making a portal from one end to the other. He most definitely did not mention the possibility of getting killed in the process. She looked at him with some wonder on how to make a simple quirk and trained it to this. So proud of her son she hugs him and tells him so.

The next morning he heads off to school to deal with Katsuki and his loud proclamation of how he is the best and how he is a useless Deku. Izuku long has given up on correcting him and just accepts whatever he yells. He does defend himself but never with his quirk, otherwise he would be blacklisted from going to UA. The teachers always are a bit confused since they have access to his record and can see that Izuku does have a quirk and is quite strong so why does Katsuki yell about Izuku being quirkless. They do stop Katsuki from assaulting outright him in front of them so that's nice. So it goes on, he goes to school then the dojo, then the beach for cleaning and quirk practice. In his martial arts studies, he is very good at grappling and some others based on getting his hands on his opponents. Izuku, of course, never uses his quirk during class lest he kills another student. But it is a dojo where you can use their quirk during spars and he always tells his opponents to do so. After all, in real life, a villain won't use their quirk just because Izuku is not. It's not a fair world.

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