16: Hosu and Stain

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Two more days passed with Mirko with the same routine. Wake up then spar with such ferociousness that to outsiders it seems like life and death battles. Shower, eat and then go look for trouble, or as it is called patrol.

In his two days, Izuku has already made a small reputation for himself. His imposing figure with the armor added on made people fear him. But the way he helps people in a kind and loving manner helps balance it out. There was a phone camera filming when Izuku showed up at the car crash, showing him tearing off the car door and getting the unconscious driver to the hospital thru a portal. Rip n Tear was garnering a name in the area he and Mirko patrolled as a scary savior.

He enjoyed his time with his mentor, she is always serious about her work while patrolling but cracks jokes whenever she can get away with it. She taught him, in her way, what should be done in specific situations. For example, if he needed backup on a villain encounter, he should contact dispatch and notify them immediately. That's how he got hers and dispatches contact information in his helmet. And while resting at the base, she showed him the paperwork to do after a day's work. But she always shoveled it to her friend and secretary. He also got to meet other heroes local to the area. Hawks was one of them with a Tokoyami dangling from his hands while flying to land.

Hawks greeted him with a smile on his face but to Izuku it seemed off, but he shook his hand respectably.

"So you are Izuku Midoriya, bigger than I thought. Have you been learning anything from bunny here?" Hawks asked with a lazy smile and thumb pointed at Mirko.

She didn't like being called bunny and proceeded to try to grapple him to the ground. While they wrestled, Tokoyami strolled up to him and stood also watching them fight like preschoolers. Tokoyami was one of the first to not blame Izuku when he told them about the USJ and the bloodshed. From there he found the bird-headed boy easy to talk to, even joking around once in a while.

"So has he asked you to say 'Nevermore' yet?" Said Izuku, looking at him.

"Fuck you." As Tokoyami turned away, Dark Shadow popped out nodding his head in a yes.

They traded stories about their internships so far while their mentors also chatted before parting ways to continue their patrolling.

The next day Izuku woke up to spar with the Battle Bunny, of course never will say that out loud. He felt himself getting faster and better every time he spared with Mirko, each time was closer to a win for him. After their ritual, she told him to get ready for Hosu. It was midday and they would get there by dark.

When he got done changing into his armor, only lightly scuffed after a few days of heroing. He called his mom, Ochako, and Iida. His mom and Ochako are both alright and wished him luck going to Hosu. Iida didn't answer, only making him worry more. Done with his armor he went to meet Mirko. She asked if Izuku had any portal points near Hosu and he said he didn't. It will be nice to have another city he can portal to in the future.

On their way to the train station, they only needed to stop once when they saw a young child looking lost. Getting her back to the mother got them back on the way to Hosu. Taking a bullet train, the two settled in for a short ride. While waiting, a little girl came up to us but was scared of the armored murder machine. When Izuku saw that he was scaring the kid, he took off his helmet. The kid now seeing that it was the one who won the Sports Festival came up to them with stars in her eyes.

After getting both of their autographs and pictures she scurried off to her mother, who smiled at her once she returned. A few more came up to them but at least it wasn't a mob. The train ride was soon over after getting some social hero training. He didn't think he made a fool of himself.

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