58: War

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The area near where Izuku, Endeavor, and Mirko were deadly quiet as they all heard what the previously invisible man said. Mirko's face went pale as she turned to her brother and intern. Endeavor swore under his breath as he understood the reason why he was targeted. Trigger causes the victim to go into a frenzy while enhancing their quirk. If he was injected with it then he would have incinerated everything in his immediate vicinity. Now one of the most dangerous hand to hand first years got injected instead of him.

Endeavor immediately called thru his communications device in his ear. "We need the strongest healers specializing in poison on my position, NOW!"

Rumi slammed her fist into the laughing man to knock him unconscious. Izuku fell back off of the man as he could feel the drug course thru his veins. He was getting worried as he felt power steadily build up. It was fire coursed thru his body with each heartbeat. With shaking hands he moved to take off his helmet, his hands tore thru it without trying. What was left of his helmet was scrap metal as he brushed it off of his head. He tried to move away by pushing himself with his hands but they sunk into the ground like water. He pulled himself up with his legs only and held his hands away from anything as he began to burn inside.

Mirko appeared in front of him the next moment. "How are you doing?" She was panicking but tried to hide it to his benefit.

He laughed nervously. "I can't touch anything and I feel like I'm burning on the inside." He felt the urge to grab things and pull them apart but he fought it with everything he had. "Urges are getting strong. Mom is going to kill me if she finds out I did drugs after she found out I was drinking." His laughter sounded a bit unhinged to his ears.

Mirko nodded with thin lips. "Alright keep calm and don't do anything." She had cold sweat dripping down her brow as she looked at him up and down. She stopped at his hands as they shook. She could faintly hear air being ripped into shreds by the minuscule movement. The air around his hands warped around without him actively trying to do anything.

Izuku knelt there as he could hear people talking around him and Rumi try to distract him from his urge to rip everything into pieces. Second by second he felt himself build up power as the drug surged thru his body.

Endeavor came flying in with someone over his shoulder. He landed roughly as he got the unknown medic off of his shoulder. The young man stumbled as he dropped down and then moved to Izuku's side. "Hello, I'm here to purge poison out of his body. Any idea what it was?"

"Trigger." Izuku growled out as he felt the strain of keeping his body still.

"What! I have never done that drug!" The young doctor said in shock.

"Well learn on the job!" Mirko snapped at him.

The man nervously was going to grab Izuku's arms before he was pulled away by Endeavor. He was redirected to his neck for skin on skin contact for his quirk to work. "Alright easy enough it's like any other unwanted toxin in the body. All I have to do is.... all I have to do is..." He whispered under his breath and then repeated himself in frustration.

"It's getting worse." Izuku groaned as he unintentionally jerked his hands down. Space tore apart and reknit itself close. For a moment it was like seeing reality spit and slide parallel to itself then move back immediately. Like a photograph cut in half and then healing again.

"Hurry up!" Mirko shouted at the healer with a pale face.

"I can't! It doesn't want to leave! It's like a vaccine, it attached itself to him." The healer was sweating in concentration. "I can only move it in his body but I can't purge it!"

Izuku groaned in pain and as he looked around to think of something, anything. All he could see was Rumi's panicking face and Jaku City behind her. He could see Gigantomachia as he stood guard in front of the tall tower where they think ReDestro is at.

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