51: Hood Nomu

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The next day Izuku went to his internship. He congratulated Rumi on getting a higher rank since last year. She was boasting and had her nose high in the air at all the praise. Many reporters tried to ask Rumi about her statement about her little brother but she brushed them to the side. Many people were already connecting the dots to Rip N Tear, her intern, but nothing was confirmed.

He changed after some chatting and went about his route for the day. Many people were talking about the newest number one hero while he walked around. He was also curious to see how the country would change with Endeavor as the number one hero. While he is a bastard for what he did to his family. Izuku couldn't deny that he was a strong hero.

The day so far hasn't been very exciting with only a few thugs he had to take down and some helping hands for civilians he came across. It was getting close to the end of his day when he saw a news report of Endeavor and Hawks fighting a Nomu in the city.

"Hey, Rumi? Should we go help Endeavor and Hawks with the Nomu?" He called her over the coms as he started to move to the rooftops.

"Nomu? What are you talking about?" She sounded confused. "Nevermind, I found a screen." She told Izuku her position and he tore a portal in her area.

They met up and Izuku tore a portal as close as he could to the combat area. They were about five minutes away as they started to run from rooftop to rooftop. Mirko ran ahead of him while he trailed behind her. She was faster on her feet.  "Come on slow poke!" She shouted over their coms.

"I am running at full tilt in armor that weighs over 300 pounds in total. Speed on my feet is not my Forte." Izuku shot back and decided to cheat. He jumped off a rooftop and tore a portal in front of Mirko's path. He continued to portal to distant locations as they neared the smoke billowing from a skyscraper.

They saw a flash of flames and another black figure fighting the flame. Endeavor and the Nomu were fighting in the air. Izuku saw another figure in the sky flying from place to place. Hawks was getting civilians to safety.

"Don't die!" Mirko shouted at Izuku as she sped up and launched herself into the Nomu.

"You don't die!" Izuku shot back lamely. From the distance, Izuku tore a portal to the Nomu's neck and speared his hand thru its throat. It stilled while he retracted his hand then Mirko slammed her foot on its head.

"Mirko, the Nomu has super regeneration. Burning it isn't doing it alone. I assume Rip N Tear is near?" Endeavor didn't bat an eye as he came down where Mirko landed.

"Yea, that's how I got here so fast. I saw him spear its neck, maybe..." Mirko was cut off by the Nomu jumping up and releasing multiple objects into the surrounding area. 

The objects unraveled to show they were smaller nomu. Izuku sprinted to the closest nomu that landed near him and tore the arm that tried to slice him. "Focus on the big one. I'll rip these apart quickly." Izuku called over the coms to Rumi.

As the two top heroes fought against the High End Nomu, Izuku fought against the little ones. The white nomu that tried to slash him with its blade arm reeled from the pain. Izuku changed forward and tore the other arm as he grabbed the head of the nomu and tore it off. He made sure it was dead then moved to the next one. Just as he was going to jump into the street to find his next target a red feather pointed toward another nomu. He didn't ever bat an eye and charged toward his next victim.

Hawks fought to protect a group of civilians that were stuck in a bus from a three nomu. He slashed at one with his feather blades but it was like goo as it parted and reformed. The other nomu was about to charge at the bus full of screaming civilians but then a green suit of armor crashed on top of it. With a sickening crunch, the nomu was driven into the asphalt. Rip N Tear tore his hands thru the nomu twice more then moved to the other nomu. He charged at the next nomu with tendrils for arms. The nomu whipped his arms at Izuku and he was launched back a few steps. Rip N Tear grabbed some asphalt from the ground and launched it at the nomu, it deflected the rubble but lost sight of his opponent. Izuku launched from his portal behind the nomu and speared his hand thru its chest with the other he cleaved it into two. It twitched for a few seconds then died.

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