25: Raid Planning

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Izuku and Ochako spend some time training and relaxing on the beach while waiting for school to start again or Eraserhead to call back, whatever came first. Izuku couldn't tell if his quirk improved at all since he couldn't test it properly but it seemed that Ochako did have an improved time and weight limit on her quirk. They tested this by having her float boulder at the beachside and it looked magical.

Rumi stopped by and checked in on them. She was a bit hesitant when she spoke to Izuku, she found out about Muscular and didn't know how he would react. Once she saw he was alright she went back to her usual self. She sparred with them and abused Izuku as a good older sister figure would. She did get upset when Izuku mentioned that he offered his help with the operation, probably because he didn't ask her to get in.

Another day passed when he got a phone call from Aizawa. "Come to UA we will talk about your role in the Op." And he hung up like the mysterious ass he is.

He was already good to go and kissed his mom and Ochako goodbye then tore a portal to the area past the gate of UA. Aizawa was waiting there to take him to the office. He scanned Izuku up and down, expecting a new scar or something since they last met.

He nodded and they walked thru the door. They arrived at the office of the principal, inside there was more than he expected. The same stand-in for All Might was there. Yagi Toshinore sat next to the desk of Nezu, he still looked sickly.

"Mr. Midoriya, thank you for arriving so quickly. Tea?" The principal asked with a smile.

"Yes please." He didn't see the harm in taking it.

"As you know this is very unusual. While we do let students participate in raids and other hero business. They already have their provisional license, as a learner's permit for heroes. But you don't have one so we will be treating this like an impromptu internship. On this internship, you will be required to use your quirk to move heroes and other personnel to and from the combat zone. You should not be in any combat at all, but plans go out the window once we start. So instead you will not fight unless you are in danger, that is a direct order. You will open portals where a hero asks and help where ever you are needed. Everything understood?" Nezu rattled off everything he was required to do.

He understood everything just fine, what he didn't understand was why was All Might's representative here. Was AM going to be involved? If so why? So he asked a question to see how he would respond. "Yes sir I understand, but if I may ask. Who is he?" As he pointed to the blond man.

Yagi got nervous and quickly said. "I am one of the planners of the operation to rescue Ragdoll."

Izuku stared at him for a moment then asked. "So your not All Might's representative?" Why would he lie and why is he so nervous?

"Ah well-" before he could finish Izuku tore a portal with one hand to get his notebook, where he has much information about heroes and their major workers. Like Endeavor's public relations specialists who are needed more than they should be. Izuku doesn't remember anyone in his All Might notebook but he will check anyway.

When he opened a portal, Yagi flinched to the side. Like he was expecting a portal and a hand reaching to his neck. Izuku froze and stared at the man who as far as he knows never fought. Unless he had seen Izuku fight but he doesn't think so. He looked at the man who looks like he made a mistake to Nezu whose smile was strained to Aizawa who had a hand over his eyes.

"From everyone's reaction, he isn't All Might's representative, is he? Or he is but there is more?" He asked retracting his hand from the portal.

"Yes, and we are leaving it at that. Are there any more questions about your role in the Op?" Eraserhead said next to him.

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