32: Grocery Shopping

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Rumi left after it started to get dark and everyone was happy to meet a pro and chat with them casually. Everyone was too tired to make dinner so they ordered out and picked up the pizza when it was ready. Aizawa appeared out of the shadows and took a pizza for himself and then disappeared again. No one was too surprised. It was the beginning of the weekend and they all felt some time off was appropriate.

After a movie or two with the class group in the common room, they decided to call it a night. Everyone went to their separate rooms including Ochako. Izuku found it odd but decided not to question it, though there was some worry. After settling into bed he got a message from her for a portal to his room. He listed and she walked thru with a small duffle bag of clothes and other smaller necessities.

"There we are, now I don't have to run back to my room and then change for classes. I'll just do it here, you don't mind do you?" She said her tone getting apprehensive at the end. Izuku was just glad she wasn't mad or something with him.

"It's not all that different from living at the apartment together. Of course I don't mind." Izuku said while hugging her and picking her up. He then lay back down in bed with her still in his arms. Ochako giggled and squeezed her side of the hug back. They slowly drifted off to sleep with them intertwined.

The next morning found most of the class scavenging for food in the kitchen. Izuku stood at the entrance of the kitchen and watched as Kirishima and Sato fought for the last protein bar. Yayoruzo walked beside him and also watched the fight for the bar continue.

"You know we have to go grocery shopping." She said not looking at him.

"With this class, we will end up fighting again a villain attack or worse, get banned from a grocery store." Izuku said with a grimace.

"How is getting kicked out worse?" She said, finally looking at him.

"We can fight villains now, legally, and we can't predict a villain attack. Getting banned, Aizawa will definitely hear about it and punish us for being idiots." He said while Sato bit into the bar and tore a piece out, wrapper and all.

Yayoruzo stopped and thought for a moment then nodded her head in agreement. "We still need food." Kirishima shoved the rest of the bar in his mouth, also with the wrapper.

"Yeah, I'll take a small group and get groceries. Let's make a list." Izuku said with a sigh.

"Alright, who is going?" She made a notepad and went to the fridge to see what to write down.

"Todoroki, Tsuyu, Shinso, Ochako, and Shoji." He nodded at his decision.

"Why them? Just curious about your decision making." She said moving to the cabinets.

"Tsuyu took care of her younger siblings so she is responsible enough for food. Shinso, so we don't take too long since he will definitely want to come back right away. Ochako is thrifty so she will help keep the bill lower and her quirk will help move the stuffs faster. Shoji has arms on arms to carry the stuff and he is strong. And Todoroki because I don't think he has ever been shopping before and I'm curious about what will happen." He said tapping his cheek in imagination of what would the youngest Todoroki do.

She looked flatly at him. "Really? Why don't I go or Iida, we are the most responsible in the class." She said almost finished with the list.

"We need to make sure the dorms aren't in chaos when we return with no supervision here to stop the dumb shit that would happen.  Also next time you will be in the group to go grocery shopping because you are just as if not more shelter than Todoroki." As he took the list and she blushed at his accusation.

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