50: Hero Ranking

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The door opened of the dorms and showed Aizawa to check up to see if everyone had arrived. He froze and looked at the 20 masked figures and one smaller masked figure sat around the common, all facing him. "What the fuck, I'm too tired for this." Aizawa rubbed his eyes while Inko gave him a sympathetic look.

"Language! There is a child in the room." Izuku dramatically covered Eri's.

There were snorts of laughter in the room with the little girl giggling. Aizawa gave Izuku an unimpressive look. "The Wild Wild Pussy Cats will be here shortly, don't cause problems. That goes triple for you, you little hellspawn." He pointed at Izuku still wearing his demon mask.

There was a sound of someone clearing their throat from the kitchen. Aizawa was on the receiving end of the Midoriya Matriarch's much better unimpressive stare. She raised an eyebrow at the underground hero. Aizawa immediately bowed to her. "No disrespect to you Miss Midoriya."

"Uh huh." Inko didn't take her eyes off him as he straighten out and spoke to his smirking class.

"30 minutes." He said and left before he got any more ire from the woman.

The class snickered and began to talk between themselves. Some turned on the TV to set up a gaming system to pass the time. Izuku held his mask and looked at an empty wall in the common room. He got up and asked Yayoruzo for a hammer and nails. The class watched as Izuku hammered a nail into the wall and hung up his mask. The rest of the class got the message and handed theirs to put up on the wall with his. Eri's and Ochako's were next to Izuku's at the top.

"That looks horrifying and very nice at the same time." Inko stood behind the class and admired the masks.

"I like it!" Mina said as she took a picture with her phone.

The door of the dorms busted open and four figures jumped into a pose. "Out of nowhere four cats! It's the Wild..." The four stopped their intro at 19 hero students were in their combat stances.

"Ah, it's great to see you guys again!" Izuku said from beside the four frozen heroes. "Sorry for interrupting your thing, welcome to the dorms." Izuku greeted happily and completely ignored his immediate reaction to eliminate the threat.

"Yeah, that's fair for starting you guys. Sorry for surprising you all like that." Ragdoll was the first to recover and greet the students.

The class relaxed quickly after the scare and began to chat and welcome their guests. "You guys haven't lacked in your training I see. Well done!" Tiger praised them.

"I see you guys got a new classmate." Mandalay observed with her eyes on Shinso.

"Yes, I joined this chaotic class after the training camp, I'm Shinso Hitoshi." He greeted the hero team.

"Chaotic is a good way to put it from what I've heard." Ragdoll laughed and the four introduced themselves to Shinso.

Izuku joined back with Eri as she stared at the new people. "They are all heroes in a team called the Wild Wild Pussy Cats. They trained us a while ago before I got you." Izuku answered the unasked question.

"Ah, who is this adorable kitten?" Ragdoll approached and crouched down to see the little girl. "Little sister?" She smiled gently at the shy girl.

Eri hid behind Izuku's leg and watched her. "This is Eri, my daughter." Izuku said proudly.

Pixie Bob choked on her spit and coughed out. "Daughter! Your too young!"

The other three were also shocked but Izuku still smiled proudly. "I adopted her this morning, I took care of her for a while then grew attached."

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