27: Moving to the Dorms

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Izuku woke up sometime in the mid-morning. Which confused him, and he fell asleep around this time and now he is starving. Getting up he felt completely refreshed but sore all over. He walked into the living room and saw Ochako and his mother sitting on the couch relaxing and reading a book.

"How long have I been asleep?" He felt his throat dry.

"About a full day, you fell asleep after the shower and stayed asleep for more or less 24 hours." His mother said to him, looking up from her book. "Not even Ochako could wake you up, so we left you be."

That didn't seem healthy to Izuku but he didn't care at the moment. Only food and water were on his mind right now. After a whole chicken and a liter of water, he was satisfied.

After letting the food settle Inko spoke up. "I received an email from UA to all the parents. So I'm guessing your parents got one too." She pointed to Ochako.

"It says that UA is planning to become a boarding school and a UA representative will show up sometime today." She finished looking at the two.

It was quiet for a moment before Izuku snapped his fingers and said. "That reminds me, I need to get a nice mug for Aizawa because he was so nice on TV last night." "Two nights ago" "oh, that's right." Ochako corrected him.

"You already know I would never stop you from being a hero but do take care of yourself." Inko said hugging Izuku and dragging Ochako into the hug when she was in arms reach.

About an hour later Ochako needed to go home because the UA representative was with her parents. So Izuku tore a portal to her front door and spooked the hell out of Small Might. Aizawa didn't react but Izuku saw him tense for a second.

"Oh, hey Aizawa. Yagi. Good to see you are well." Izuku said stepping out of the way for his girlfriend to give him a quick peck on the cheek and walk thru.

Patting his chest Small Might responded. "Yes, it is good to see you as well, young Midoriya." Giving a smile and nod to Ochako.

Aizawa only gave a slight nod and knocked on the door and it opened a minute later after Izuku closed the portal behind him. He then grabbed his coat and was about to leave to find that mug when his mother stopped him.

"You should probably cover your face and hair." She said while sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong with my face and hair?" He asked patting his hair and face with a worried tone.

She laughed and just gave him her phone with the video of the nomu swarming him. He looked at it and then at his mom. He looked again and noticed the view counter. Way too many for his comfort, in only two days. He will get recognized immediately and then probably run screaming.

"Fuck" He said and went to look for a mask and hat. Once that was done he left for the store. He found exactly what he wanted, a box set of a comically large mug with a bigger thermos. The only problem was that it said 'number one dad' instead of something like teacher or hero. Good thing sharpies exist, he left the store with a great gift for his teacher and permanent markers.

When he left the store a large gust of wind blew his hat into the air then like team rocket blasting off, it was gone. His first mistake was to speak. "Well, shit I liked that hat." The second was to stand there enough for people to notice his now visible hair.

He felt a pat on his arm, looking down he saw it was a girl about 10 years old looking up at him. "Are you Izuku Midoriya?" She asked not scared like he expected them to be.

"Ah, yes I am. Can I help you?" Taking off his mask now that it was redundant. He crouched down, now noticing the people murmuring around them, slightly nervous he looked at the girl. He noticed she had tentacles for hair and they had barbs, that's pretty cool.

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