33: Day Off

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Izuku woke up in the middle of the night with Ochako in his lap and them on the couch. He gently got up and opened a portal to his room before picking Ochako up and walking thru. He set her on his bed without waking her and joined her, he was asleep soon again. They didn't wake until there was a knock on the door. They tried to ignore it but the knocking started again.

"Ohhh, love birds it's time to get up!" The muffled voice of Mina came thru. She only heard a groan and then quiet.

"Come on, Mina let them sleep in. It's only 10 in the morning." Shoji said shuffling the plates of food he was carrying.

Ochako tried to get up and answers the door but Izuku just held tighter. She giggled at his reaction and relented. The next thing said Mina changed her mind. "Well, this food will go cold then." She said sadly.

Ochako struggled to get up this time but his grip didn't relent. "Izu, food!" She whined.

Izuku was already awake for a good while but he was just too comfortable laying in bed with Ochako. Until Mina came and disturbed the peace. While the food did sound tempting, so was staying in bed with his arms around Ochako. When she whined, he gave in only a little. He let go of one hand and tore a portal above Shoji's arms where the food was. Ochako seeing what Izuku was doing, reached forward and snatched the food before the two knew any better. With the prize in hand, Ochako sat up and began to munch on the bacon on the plate.

"Hey! That's not fair! Open this door and reveal you're sinful actions!" Mina intoned after she sounded like a little girl whining.

Ochako gave a heavy sigh and opened the door to Mina who was about to kick the door and Shoji trying to stop her. Izuku saw his restful time over and got up. He stretched and there was a slap, looking over he saw Ochako holding her hand over Mina's eyes. He gave her a confused tilt of the head and she motioned his chest. He took off his shirt sometime in their sleep and he only realized it now.

Shoji already left, done with his mission to deliver food for the pair. "Come on just a peak!" Mina said struggling to take Ochako's hands off her face. Izuku meanwhile took a breakfast sausage and ate it while putting on a shirt. Once done he sat on his bed, ate breakfast, and watched Ochako wrestling with Mina. Across the hallway, Shinso opened the door to all the ruckus with his cat in hand and looked at the two wrestling classmates and Izuku in his room eating while watching. He didn't even ask anything and just closed the door again.

"You know your part of the plate is getting cold?" Izuku finally said something, interrupting Ochako and putting Mina in a headlock on her back.

She looked up and let go to grab the outstretched plate. Mina groaned and just turned her head to see if her class president was still shirtless but no luck. "Why did you want to wake us anyway? Is there an issue? What happened?" Izuku asked already regretting being elected to be the one who cleans up after a disaster.

"No, we all noticed that you two still haven't come down and I decided to bring food. Well, Shoji wanted to bring food for you two and I just wanted to tag along. And no there's no issue, I think." She explained while getting up and walking into his room. She was trying to snoop around discreetly but she wasn't very good at it.

"There's nothing in my room you will find. I keep a hidden place where all my good stuff is and it's far from here." He said as he tore a portal to show all his notebooks, some papers, and lots of questionable stuff.

Mina tried to lunge for the stuff but it closed before she took a step. "What kind of naughty things are you hiding in there?! I wanna see it. And where was that?" Mina said now looking around the room, trying to find the stash.

"I'm curious too, I've seen you grab things from there and I've been wanting to look in there too." Ochako said somewhat sheepishly with eggs on her cheek. He swiped his finger across it and ate it.

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