21:Summer Camp Trip

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The girls decided to leave Izuku to sleep while they chatted about the sleeping boy. Inko went on about his drive and how he never gave a second thought about being anything else than a hero.

Ochako talked about when they first met at the entrance exam and how they clicked so well together. How happy she is with him and loves to watch him fight.

"I immediately asked myself if he was single because he was awesome at the Sports Festival and even better when we fought in my gym." Rumi said with a shiver at their first encounter while Ochako choked on rice from what she said. Inko meanwhile was happy that such a beautiful and strong girl was interested in Izuku in such a short time. Ochako was thinking, 'Am I going to fight her for Izuku? I'll do it!' Right as she was getting ready to fight for her territory, Rumi continued.

"But as we fought and I taught him what I knew it felt more like... having a sibling. And I liked that more than chasing after him." Rumi finished with a smile on her face. Ochako tried to relax without it showing but Inko saw it all. Izuku woke not long after, still groggy from his nap he went to eat what was set aside for him. After finishing, he left to get cleaned up and showered. Getting back to the group of girls he saw them getting along way too well.

He sat and just listened to them chat about this and that. A while later it was time for Rumi to head home. Izuku tore a portal open to her building lobby.

Saying their goodbyes, she stopped at Izuku. She looked right into his eyes and grabbed his face with her hands. "Stop. Attracting. Villains. To. You." All the while squeezing his cheeks.

"It's not my fault!" He said batting her hands away.

"Alright take care and don't slack off, later." And she went thru.

The other two got ready for sleep and Izuku plopped down on his bed. He scrolled thru his phone until Ochako came in and flopped in his bed. She spoke up after a bit. "I'm worried that that wasn't the end of The League of Villains." Thinking back to the mall.

Izuku patted her on the back, sharing the same feeling. "If it is or isn't. We'll deal with it." With a smile to her. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

They spent a week like this with some minor training and relaxing. They both were wary of going out, worried a villain will interrupt their outing. Izuku's cuts healed completely on the third day and they decided to take out the stitches at home. With deft hands, Ochako removed all threads without any problems. Not like the first time he tried to remove stitches from his leg, it hurt. The scars were very visible, with three claw marks going into his hairline to above his eyebrow. He thought it was pretty cool looking.

Inko cried just a little at the thought of Izuku almost losing his eye. Ochako on the other hand thought it looked kinda hot. Like a manly man, as Kirishima would say.

The weekend came and it was time for them to head to UA and get on the bus for the camp. They packed their stuff and threw it all thru the portal to UA. On the other side, most of 1A watched as two duffel bags came out of nowhere. They immediately knew it was their class monster's doing. The two stepped thru and greeted their friends. They started to crowd but Mina called out first.

"You are terrible at following rules!" She said pointing a finger at Izuku.

"No, I'm not! No one died to my knowledge." He said defensively.

"You still broke the mall rules, probably." Pouting because of their class mall trip ending sooner than she wanted.

"How are you doing? You seemed to have a lot of blood on you when you left." Tsuyu said looking at the new scars on his forehead.

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