23: Assault at the Camp

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"Mandalay! There is a fire!" Izuku shouted just as a villain with a type of reptile quirk attacked with a giant sword made from smaller blades. Mandalay was able to dodge in time but was pulled off her feet by another villain with a giant pillar. Tiger was able to distract the villain until Mandalay got back on her feet. While the fight was going on, Izuku began to look at the forest, waiting for more to show up. None yet.

"Todoroki, stay here and help how you can. I'm going to go alert Eraserhead before any more vil-" "Kota! Please go find Kota!" Mandalay interrupted him with some desperation in her voice.

"Shit! I'll find him." As Izuku tore a portal to the ledge Kota was hiding out before. Running thru, he found a cloaked man approaching the scared boy. They both froze and looked at Izuku.

"Oh ho, you are one on the kill list! Easy day for me." The villain said, capping his hands in glee. He ripped off his cloak to reveal a blond man with a prosthetic eye.

"Muscular." Kota said behind him with absolute fear in his voice. The man that killed the boys' parents, here to murder their child.

"The boy also seems familiar, but why?" Muscular said, tilting his head while looking at Kota.

"You killed my parents, the water horses. Why are you here now?" He said all the while the tremble in his voice never left.

"Oh, you're the brats kid that did this to me." Pointing at his prosthetic eye. "Then this is fate, time to finish off their bloodline." He said with a sadistic smirk.

He grew in size, and muscle grew on top of muscle. Until he was bigger than All Might. All the while, Izuku never took his eyes off the sick man. He was ready to protect the trembling boy behind him by any means necessary.

"What too scared! It doesn't matter, I will have fun with this!" And threw a punch straight at Izuku.

Izuku, in turn, opened a portal as wide as he could, the other end open behind his head. The fist and arm ready to turn him into paste was redirected to the back of his skull. Before he could pull his arm back, Izuku closed the portal, severing it off at the elbow. With a severe concussion and losing blood at a rapid rate, he went feral and charged at the two. But they were already gone thru a portal back to Todoroki.

Izuku showed up with Kota in his arms next to a frozen Lizard, and the other pinned down villain on the ground by Tiger. Mandalay rushed to hug them, Kota still trembling in shock and fear.

"Are you both alright? Are you hurt? Why is there blood on you?" Mandalay rapid fired questions at him.

"Muscular is here but severely injured. The blood is his. We need to move back to the camp." Izuku said, starting to get used to answering just as fast.

He was going to pass Kota onto Mandalay, but he didn't let go. He clung to him like a baby koala. "Hey, bud, I need both my hands right now. Can you please go with Mandalay?" He said as gently as he could.

He didn't say anything but nodded and went to Mandalay. Izuku tore a portal to the camp building but immediately closed it because of the raging fire going past the portal. "Hold on a sec..." And he tore another portal to the edge of the woods to the building. "I'll open it from the other side in a sec." And went thru alone before they could say anything.

He went thru and saw Aizawa trying to fight a villain with blue flames shooting at his teacher. Wasting no time, he tore a small portal to the villains arm and tore it off. The villain stopped in shock before melting into goo. He quickly ran closer to the building and tore a portal back to Kota and the others they ran thru.

Tiger and Todoroki dragged the two frozen villains thru. They set them to the side, and Aizawa ran up to them. "Midoriya, why are you bloody again?" He asked as he looked him over and Todoroki next.

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