41: Raid Preparation

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Inko settled into her new home at UA. After the thugs at the Midoriya's residency were taken away, Izuku helped with a portal to move everything of importance to her new home. While his mom was getting settled in with the help of Ochako and Eri close to her. Izuku was speaking with Aizawa about what he found out about the thugs.

They were with Overhaul, obviously, and they had some people of importance with them. They are called the Eight Bullets, and they were the elites of the operation, Izuku took out three of them already. The man Izuku found with Eri, the bald man with crystals, and the man with a shield quirk.

"Well shit. If we don't take down Overhaul, then he will be hunting me forever, not to mention Eri." Izuku was thinking of how good he was at making enemies.

"Yes, he will be the priority of the upcoming raid." Aizawa continued.

The morning after Inko got settled in, everyone woke up to go back to school. Inko got prepared and went to finalize everything with Nezu. The class all ate and headed to class. They welcomed Inko immediately into their chaos class. Izuku was worried about how she would react to their everyone's antics and mayhem. But to his surprise, she took to it like a duck to water. She just accepted all the nonsense that went around the class as they went about their day. Of course, she didn't understand a lot of what was said, but Inko wasn't uncomfortable with anything.

"Of course, she would be cool with everything. She raised you after all!" Mina said after overhearing the chat between Izuku and Ochako.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Izuku said slightly offended.

"Miss Inko, what was the funniest thing you saw Izuku doing?" Mina turned to the green haired woman on the counter with coffee.

"Don't answer that!" "Just Inko is fine, I remember him when he was around six. He would come home completely covered in dirt and mud. For a week straight, he would be dirty every time he came in from playing." She started telling the story.

"Wait, no, stop!" Izuku was getting red faced.

Inko acted like she didn't hear him, and the whole class was listening to her speak. "Well, after a week of this going on, I finally ask why he was always so dirty. So he said,'I'll show you.' And he dragged me off to the park." She was giggling now. "When we arrived, there was a hole in the dirt. He said he would be the Mole Man and pop up to beat up villains." She began to laugh. The class joined in with her.

Izuku was completely embarrassed by the story of his childhood. Ochako was leaning on him and also laughing. His mother continued, "You know his quirk, it turns out it's very good at breaking up dirt and stone for digging. He dug tunnels under the whole park, and he said it was just the beginning of his network of tunnels throughout the country!" She began to tear up at the recalling of the memory.

The class was also beginning to tear up at the image of Izuku, acting like a mole and digging around. Izuku was red and covering his face with his arms. Eri sat beside him and enjoyed the story of her savior. She giggles softly.

After everyone calmed down, they headed to class. Eri was nervous about her first day of real school. But Izuku calmed her down by reminding her that he would be close by. Not to mention, Nezu's office was probably one of the safest places in the school. Izuku walked her to the office and dropped her off after a quick hug. The day went by fairly quickly. Izuku dropped in for lunch with Eri, and he listened while she spoke about what she has been doing so far. The school day ended, and they all retreated to their dorms, Ochako, and the others with internships left after school and headed to their respective heroes.

Izuku finished his homework and then got a call from Mirko. He sat Eri next to Mina and told her that he had a call. She understood and sat with the pink girl. The call was to inform him that Nighteye has been working on Overhaul for some time and that they will be doing a raid on their compound in two days. Izuku and Rumi will be going for a briefing the next day at the Nighteye agency. Izuku thanked her and headed back inside to tell Eri the news. She had feared, but she calmed down soon after. His mother and the class would help her whenever they could. Mina was especially vocal about being there with her anytime she wanted. That comforted the little girl.

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