5: Classes Start

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On the morning of the first day of UA he struggles to tie his tie, getting frustrated he is tempted to tear it apart. He looks at it and says fuck it good enough. He head out and says goodbye to his mother with a big hug. Taking a short train ride to the campus, he looks up at the gate of UA. With some time to spare he finally finds his classroom door, someone definitely built this place like a maze. Praying to any god willing to listen that Katsuki won't be in the same class as him. Opening the door he is greeted by shouting, the gods have forsaken Izuku apparently. Sighing he takes a few steps in when Uraka shows up behind him and greets him happily.

"I'm glad to see you again, Midoriya!" She says to her savior. She looks at his messy tie and frowns slightly.

Noticing her gaze, he says in an embarrassed tone "Yea I know it looks bad, I never had a reason to learn how to tie a tie. So I ended up with this." Freezing as she reaches forward and unties it, she flips his collar and ties it properly. Patting it with satisfaction, she realized how close she got to him.

"AH sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, just wanted to fix it is all!" She backs up looking at him with a slight blush.

Sporting his own blush at her actions, he waves it of trying to move past it. "Thanks I appreciate it, I'll try to learn how to do it right next time."

Uraka looking in the classroom she sees some unique people some talking between each other and a pair of golden and black eyes looking back right at her with huge teasing smile. Knowing she will be trouble she looks away to another pair of eyes looking not at her but at Izuku. And not just looking but glaring and sneering so hard he looks like he is trying to set his head on fire.

Not liking the look she is about to ask Izuku when she sees him looking at the ground behind her. Looking back she sees the largest worm on the ground shuffling towards them. With a slight shriek she jumps behind Izuku staring at the grub. Izuku in his infinite wisdom crouches down and pokes it. It wriggled some more.

"Don't touch it! What is it a worm?" Uraka says to Izuku

"I was thinking it is a caterpillar, a really big one. Maybe it's some ones quirk?" Looking back to the now quiet class, thinking maybe it's one of theirs. The rest of the class is now looking at what is going on, some shaking their heads to his unasked question.

"Don't worry bud, will find your owner." Patting the caterpillar, as it wriggled some more he sees it stand and a zipper sounds as a tired black haired man stand out of his sleeping bag.

He looks at Izuku with a complicated look in his face. "Why would you think a caterpillar is roaming the halls." With a confused tone.

Completely embarrassed that he was patting his probably homeroom teacher and the man that prevented him from bleeding out. He can only reply with a question of his own. "Why were you crawling on the ground in your sleeping bag?" Completely ready to get expelled in his first day of UA

Pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh, he just moves past it all and looks at his class. Introducing himself as the homeroom teacher and his name, Shouta Aizawa, he tells them to change into their gym uniforms and meet him at the field.

Rubbing his face with his hands to dispell the lingerie embarrassment, he feels a pat on his shoulder. Looking over he sees Uraka holding in a laugh, she says. "It could have been worse."

As they line up in front of their homeroom teacher. He explains that they are going to do a quirk apprehension test. Uraka asking about the introduction ceremony, he just says it's a waste of time. Throwing a ball to Izuku he says. "Midoriya, you came in first in the entrance exam, what was your longest throw in middle school." Responding "about 70 meters"

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