7: Reporters and Class Presidents

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Waking up with a slight headache, Izuku gets ready. Not even trying with his tie he just throws it around his neck and lets the ends dangle. He knows some bullshittery will happen today, he just knows it. Downing his coffee he meets up with Ochako, seeing his disheveled appearance she asks. "You alright Izuku? You don't look so well." As she grabs his tie to fix it.

With a smile at her actions, he already feels the headache leaving. "I'm fine just woke with a headache, I feel some shit is going to happen I just know it." With a suspicious squint of the eye. Giggling "I don't think I've ever heard you swear, then again I've heard worse at my parents' construction sites." She says looking at him. "What makes you feel like something is going to happen?"

"Anytime I wake with a headache something has happened. Lost my phone one of those times, and another villain attacked me. For example." He says with his head on a swivel.

"Are you alright?" She asked with worry in her tone and eyes. Izuku just wave it off saying the villain never touched him, and AM stopped him. As they walk on they hear some voices and see a crowd of reporters. They stop and look at the sea of cameras and microphones. Waving his hands at the reporters, he says "See, bullshit." Not wanting to get closer lest the parasites grab onto them.

With a chuckle, Ochako agrees with his powers to sense bullshit. They stand there as they think about how to get past them without assaulting a civilian. They throw ideas from a distraction to jumping the UA walls. As they give up on another plan other students of UA from other courses including his own join the two. Looking over he sees about 20 random students next to them, also thinking of a way to get past the leeches. A couple from his class gets close to him and Ochako. Looking at the time, he says "Fuck it. I'm breaking the law today." Throwing his hands in the air.

With the other students looking at him he throws his hands forward and tears a hole from him to the other side of the UA gate, next to the entrance doors. Eraserhead on his way to try to disperse the crowd sees the portal open and prepares for a Villain but recognized the green lighting edge of the portal. As Izuku gestures toward the tear in space, he says "It opens right next to the building go ahead I'll be the last one."

Kirishima and Kaminari both thanked Izuku and walk thru. With the rest of the crowd of UA students going after seeing it's safe. "You're not going thru?" Ochako asks as she stands by Izuku. "No I have to be the last, or else the tear closes behind me." He explains as the last of the students go thru with Ochako last and Izuku following behind her. They come face to face with their homeroom teacher looking at him with a dead look in his eyes. Thinking he is going to reprimand him, Aizawa just turns and tries to get the reporters to leave.

With a sigh of relief Izuku and Ochako laugh a bit and head to class. As he gets to class he sees Katsuki not in his seat or the room at all. Ignoring this he waits for class to start. A tired Eraserhead shows up and goes on to tell them how they did on the battle trials yesterday. Explaining how Katsuki has been punished and will return in a week. Looking at Izuku, ready for a talking to about his illegal quirk use or how rough he was taking down Katsuki. All Aizawa says is "Good job." With a nod, not sure what he was referring to Izuku just accept it with a smile.

Then Aizawa goes on to tell the class to choose a class president and promptly goes to his sleeping bag. Poor guy, I'll get him a coffee later. Sound erupts about how almost everyone wants to be the president, Iida tells everyone to vote for it and we will decide that way. In the end, Izuku was voted in with Momo as Vice, he looks directly at Ochako and mouths 'more bullshit'. With that, he goes up to give his speech. Presidents do that right? "As president, I do declare that this is a bad idea, that is all."

Yayoruzo beside him just chuckles and goes on to write her phone number to make a group chat for 1A. They all agree and have a chat room made up in a few minutes. As lunch rolls around, Izuku sits with Ochako. With a heavy sigh he digs in, Ochako says "Oh calm down you drama queen, it's not that bad." With more of their classmates sitting down.

"It's just more responsibility that I didn't want is all." He says with another dramatic sigh as he eats. With laughs going around the table, Mina speaks up. "Don't worry you'll do fine that's why I voted for you. And also for opening a portal past those reporters." Agreements go around the lunch table. With Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Iida at the table. With more sitting down as they get their food. An ear piercing alarm goes off, with one of the third years saying it's an intrude alarm and should leave. Izuku instead gets on the table looking around to see if he can spot anything, he is about to follow the crowd when he sees it's the reporters.

He looks for a way to get everyone's attention when he sees Ochako get swept up by the crowd. Getting angry that she might get hurt he tears a portal to the top of the door next to the exit sign and rips his fingers into the wall for a handhold. Yelling that's only the reporters and to calm down he jumps down and checks on Ochako, seeing she is alright. He gathers the rest of 1A and heads to class. He sees on his way to class that the gate is now dust, it seems that even more bullshit has arrived.

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