24: After the Camp

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Rumi got called away but promised to check up on her adopted younger brother and his girlfriend later. Izuku and Ochako took a shower and cleaned up, separately. They found Kana and Inko on the couch talking and laughing like school girls. Mako was on a recliner with tea, enjoying the peace.

Izuku sat down heavily on another couch with Ochako seating herself next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. They were still thinking about what happened at the camp and how bad it could have gotten. To their knowledge, no one in their class or the other class was seriously injured. While the two were quiet and deep in thought about what happened, the adults in the room noticed. Mako was watching them with worry about how much more they had to go thru before graduation. And the two mothers thought about how to distract the two. Food was immediately thought up.

"I'm guessing you two haven't eaten yet, let us cook something up." Inko said getting up.

"Yes, that sounds great! Let's see what we can make!" Kana said with enthusiasm while they headed into the kitchen.

The two smiled at their mothers getting along and cooking together like old friends. They all got comfortable and ate a good meal made up of Katsudon and lots of mochi for dessert. The food got their minds off of what happened for the most part but it always popped up at random times. Izuku was getting past it quickly only worried about how the rest of his classmates were doing. Ochako on the other hand had a life and death battle that ended with Toga possibly crippled on the forest floor. While being close to Izuku made her more resilient against gore and violent fighting styles, it was the first time she used them on a human. While she did understand that it was necessary, she didn't have to like it.

A while later they all sat down to watch a movie and digest the meal they just had. It was getting late when there was a knock at the door. Both families tensed and looked over at it. Izuku was the one to open it up with a hand behind the door ready to tear thru the door and whoever it was. He didn't have much to worry about since it was even more tired than possible Aizawa and a police detective, the same one from the USJ interview.

"Oh, Aizawa and Detective. How can I help you?" Izuku asked relaxing a bit. The Detective had a look on his face that Izuku couldn't place it.

"We are here to take statements from all the students and you were next. We also have some things we need to tell you. Is your mother home?" Aizawa asked in a neutral voice.

Izuku opened the door and called inside that it was their teacher and a Detective to take their statements. Inko smiled somewhat strained and welcomed them inside to the kitchen table.

Upon walking inside they saw Ochako and her parents. "I'm sorry I didn't know you had guests. But I suppose it would save some time to take Uraraka's statement while we are here." The Detective said to the room.

They all agreed to get this over with, the sooner the better. They all moved to the living room with the teens taking two kitchen chairs to sit down. They started with Ochako and asked her some questions. Where were you when the attack happened? Who were you with? Who did you fight? When did you get back? So on so forward, her parents squeezed their daughter's hand when she told them about Toga and how she was taken down. Izuku was pretty proud his girlfriend took out a villain on her own but comforted her when her hand shook a bit. They soon finished up with her asking about their classmates. Aizawa told them that most were home and safe but a few were still in the hospital from a smoke quirk.

They moved on to Izuku and it took a bit longer to tell them his point of view. From encountering Muscular and saving Kota to having to fight him again at the evacuation portal. The Detective asked mostly the same questions but he looked a bit more serious about it. Mako and Kana were both a bit pale at his story and his opponent trying to kill a child younger than their daughter. Inko seemed proud of her son for protecting someone so valiantly, but the look on the police and teacher told her there was more.

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