44: Revenge

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Izuku and his friends who were part of the Shie Hassaikai raid walked out of the portal from the hospital. Eri came up and hugged each one of them tightly then she went to Ochako and clung to her like a koala.

The day went on with the class asking the three for their side of the story in the raid. Ochako started it off with Eri still attached to her. Tsu interjected when she wanted to add something to the story. Kirishima was next and gave a daunting story filled with passion and determination, he had fun with it.

The week passed with nothing of note happening. They went back to school with Eri having her lessons with Nezu and the class continuing to train for their hero careers.

One thing of note was an excursion that Izuku took during the middle of the week. After school, Izuku went to the third year dorm and went to Mirio's room. Under the pretense that he was checking on him, Izuku got what he needed when he was welcomed into his room to chat. Izuku was casual when he spoke to Mirio and he pushed him not to give up and keep training his body until Eri could manage to get Mirio's quirks back. Even though when Eri used her quirk, he would go back to before he trained his body.

Once Izuku felt they had enough time to chat, he left with a smile on his face. The weekend came and Izuku ordered all the boys to come to the backyard and be ready to receive orders. Izuku knew Mirio would be out of the dorms with his friends and his room would be empty that day. So his revenge plan had come to fruition.

"I called you here today for an operation I need help with." Izuku walked with his hands behind his back and watched each one of his male classmates in line.

"This operation will be quick and quiet. No physical damage will be done, only mental anguish. The supplies and transportation are taken care of, all I need is manpower." Izuku stopped in front of a rigid Kaminari.

"Is there anyone who doesn't want to participate in this operation? If you do, you will have one 'no questions asked' favor from me as a reward. Each one of you will ask me to do something and I will not ask why. Anyone out?" No one moved after his prize was stated. Izuku gave a smile that made some of them reconsider their choice.

"Good, we have two objectives. First, we will build a dorm room at the edge of the forest with precise measurements. I want it to look exactly the same inside. When we are done with that, objective two will start." Izuku stood in front of them with his posture perfect.

"What is objective two, Sir?" Kirishima asked with his posture similar to a soldier.

"Objective two is moving all the furniture in the dorm and moving it to the built one at the edge of the forest. I want that dorm empty and a copy of it  200 feet away from any utilities. Am I clear?" His voice didn't raise but everyone heard it clearly and with authority.

A chorus shouted out. "Yes, Sir!" And so began Izuku's revenge on Mirio for ruining his puzzle of All Might.

Some of the girls and Inko stood at the back door and watched Izuku take all the boys thru a portal and disappeared into who knows where. "Should we be worried?" Yayoruzo asked nervously.

"I mean our green murder machine just took all the boys and gave them orders like a commander, I would be worried." Mina said as the Izuku stepped thru his portal and it closed.

Ochako watched with Eri beside her. She pursed her lips and looked at her soon to be mother in law. "Inko? Thoughts?"

"It's just boys being boys, it's fine. Although it was very organized, it will probably be fine." She waved her hand and went to the kitchen for her tea.

Three hours later, Mirio laughed with his friends as they returned to the third year dorms. Tamaki, Nejire, and he went out for a movie they all planned to watch and then get some fast food after. The three all went to Mirio's room like usual to play some video games and hang out like they always do. They arrived at the door and saw a note attached to it.

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