29: Training for the Exam

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The class was spread out in the gym trying new ways to use their quirks and developing an Ultimate move. Shinso was with Aizawa giving him his own personal hell training. Ectoplasm was split into many clones and helped where he could whether it be as a target dummy or advice. Cementos was just going around and fixing everything he could.

Izuku was with Kirishima after he called him over for a spar. "We never fought before have we, Midoriya?" They were in a sunken arena just for fighting, Ectoplasm clone was watching over us.

"No, we haven't. Before we start, I'll like to test something just so we know in the future. Hold up your arm and harden it as much as you can." Izuku requested while he did want to spar with Kirishima he also didn't want to go overboard and maim him just because he can take a hit.

The other teen shrugged and did as he was told, he focused everything into his forearm and waited. Izuku went up to his arm and poked it with his finger. He felt resistance, like when he speared the big bad at Kamino. But it cracked his hardened skin and it began to leak blood.

"Ow! You just poked me! And you did this?!" He looked at his arm and then at Izuku. "You're overpowered, bro."

"Hey, now we know I won't use my quirk on you and it's all training. Some day you will be harder than ever before." Izuku said trying to encourage his classmate.

They separated and squared off against each other, then they charged at the same time. Kirishima came in with a hard right hook at Izuku and he dodged while punching at his hardened abs. Kirishima grunted at the impact, surprised he felt such a hit. He looked at Izuku and his knuckles were bloodied. Izuku thought 'I'm not gonna do that again'. They went back at it and Kirishima threw punch after punch. Izuku dodged what he could and took the rest on his armor. The only way Izuku could hurt Kirishima was to use his quirk on him. So he did, gently, with pokes. His hand rushed out in a palm strike and his pointer finger poked him where he would have hit.

Izuku had to hand it to Kirishima, he had endurance. But Izuku won at the end with Kirishima bleeding from cracks on the skin all over. "Bro... that... was... awesome." Kirishima said while taking in gulps of air. After he caught his breath and some water, he thanked Izuku and asked for another spar but from someone else. A lot of the class was watching from above the ring.

Yayoruzo called Izuku over after he got out. Before he said anything she handed him a piece of metal. It was heavier than it looked and he just looked at Yayoruzo. "Use your quirk, I'm thinking of different metals and I want to see this holds up."

Izuku shrugged and felt some resistance like Kirishima but more. He just focused and it tore like any other metal in his hands. She looked at the metal and then gave him another piece, lighter than the last. He tore thru that one much easier. She looked at him with incredulity. "At least tell me which was tougher to tear apart." She asked.

"The first one definitely, it needed me to focus on it more. I know the second was steel because I'm so familiar with it but the other one?" He said handing the pieces back.

"Tungsten, the hardest natural metal in the world. Also, I wanted to see if you could use your quirk on it. I was curious to see if you had anything you couldn't sink your hands into." She said somewhat disappointed.

"I'm not sure if I have in a long time. I've trained my quirk from wood all the way to scrap metal, steel mostly. The toughest thing I remember recently was my fight with All Might in the midterms. I don't know if I could tear his bones or not, kinda hard to test." He said with a whimsical tone in his voice.

"Midoriya, we have been classmates and I mean this without any hard feelings. But you sound like a psychopath talking about All Might's bones like that." She said with a constipated look on her face.

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