45: School Festival Part 1

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Izuku and Yayoruzo stood to take charge of the class and decide on an activity for the school festival. They stood next to the blackboard and began to write down ideas for the school festival. So far, they had a maid Cafe, butler Cafe, dance competition, arm wrestling, fighting ring, and concert.

"Now I don't want to bust any balls, but is a fighting ring that good of an idea?" Mineta said, standing on his desk.

"Why would it be a bad idea? It's easy. We dig a pit, throw some sand in there, and boom, we're done." Izuku said, clapping his hands in emphasis.

"No fighting." A muffled voice came out of the sleeping bag.

"No fighting." Izuku said in a mocking voice as he erased it off the board. "Any other ideas or comments to lean toward a choice?"

They continue to talk about what would be the best until the bell rang, and they had to move on to their next class. Aizawa told them to choose something before the end of the week or else. They went about their day without much to speak about. Izuku sat with Eri for lunch, and then the day came to an end.

The class returned to the dorms, and the only ones to leave were the ones with internships. After saying their goodbyes, they headed out. Izuku hugged Eri, and she sat next to his mother at the counter. The rest of the class continued their discussion about the festival. Izuku traveled with Ochako and Tsu to Ryukyu's agency just to have a portal to her quickly. He planned to have portal locations for almost all agencies for ease.

Ryukyu gave a stern look at Izuku when he kissed Ochako goodbye and then tore a portal to Rumi's. He changed into his armor and was happy to see it was cleaned by the people the agency hired. He was dreading the day that he would need to scrub the metal armor. Once changed, he went to the secretary and got his route and left after a quick snack.

Izuku didn't have many issues with patrolling that day. Small time crimes and helping people where he could. He was having a great day patrolling when there was a series of screams and yells coming from nearby. He turned and began to run into the commotion. While running, he called over his coms and notified anyone in the area to be aware of something going on at his location. Izuku passed running civilians from the scene. Once he got close, he saw what was going on. Three villains were trying to rob a bank in broad daylight. There were two police on the scene, but one was knocked back by a wave of air from one of the men, and the other was about to be grabbed by another villain.

Rip N Tear opened a portal behind the policeman, grabbing him and pulling him away from the rotting looking hands of the villain.

"Grab your partner and support from afar." Rip N Tear's voice came out from the helmet in a low tone.

Without checking the policeman to see if he followed his orders, Rip N Tear opened another portal to the villain with the air quirk. Appearing behind the villain, he only got to turn around with wide eyes as a fist came towards his face. With a crack, the villain went down in a daze. Rip N Tear didn't leave the man just yet and slammed his head down on the pavement until he was unconscious. Looking up, he spotted his next target, Mr. Rot Hands.

He was distracted by the third villain trying to tackle him off of his ally. The heavy armor helped take the impact, but the man had a rhinoceros mutation, and the horn dug into his side. Wincing at the horn, Rip N Tear slammed his elbow down multiple times on his opponent's head. He was still getting pushed back, and the villain wasn't letting him go. Instead of hitting his head, he grabbed the horn and ripped it off the man's face. Screaming in pain, he let go and stumbled back.

Before Rip N Tear could capitalize on the opening, the last villain charged at him. He landed his hands on his shoulder armor and began to rot away. Quickly, he punched the knockoff Shigiraki off of him and ripped the rotting armor off his body before it could spread. The rhino villain yelled in rage and charged again, but Rip N Tear was ready. He charged back and slammed the horn he still had into the open wound where the horn was. In pain, the villain stumbled onto his knees. He didn't see the heavy boot coming down on his face.

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