9: Aftermath

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Izuku woke up with his mom at his rooms door. "Izuku some of your classmates are here to see you." She says, then with a quieter voice. "Which one is Ochako?" She looks back eyes snapping to a brown haired girl. With devious smile she looks back at her son and runs off.

Quickly putting on a shirt he runs out to stop his mother from embarrassing him. He stops at the hallway to see Ochako and most of his classmates except Todoroki and Katsuki.

"Oh hey guys. How did you find where I live?" Izuku waves. A few chuckles and he realized he just woke up and tries to fix his unruly hair with no success. "We looked you up and got it from a phone book. Uraraka said you guys meet up near here and narrowed down the search." Yayoruzo speaks up. "How are you doing?" She continued.

Knowing that he will have to explain he sees most of his class cramped in his kinda small apartment. "Let me go change real quick and I'll take you guys somewhere with more space and to talk." He runs off, with a smile at Ochako. Inko in the kitchen sees her blush and just knows this will be fun.

After getting changed he goes back to living room and tears a portal to the edge of the beach he cleaned and trained. "Where does this go?" Mina asked. "To the beach." Izuku says as he tells people to go thru.

Mina not going yet asks "The famous trash beach? Why there?" She wrinkles her nose at the thought of the smell. "That's where I trained for a long time and it's private enough for quirk use." Not saying he cleaned it up.

His class going thru he waves to his mom and sees her smile. Suspicious, he looks back and sees Ochako grab his hand and pull him thru. With some red in his cheeks he squeezes her hand and moves on to his classmates looking at the prestien beach sand and water front. "I thought you said it was a dump?" Tsuyu said to Mina. "It was! Like it was all covered in trash!" She exclaims while looking around.

"Yea someone cleaned it, who knows." Izuku says looking away. Ochako being near sees this but doesn't say anything. He pulls them all to the pier to talk. There he explains what happened after he evacuated them. Telling them he couldn't keep the tear open without the monster going thru, how he had to kill it to stop it. Here Iida got upset, "Heros do not kill! How could you do such a thing!" He says getting up.

Some trying to defend Izuku he waves them down while restraining his own anger. "How could I stop something that is ment for AM? Something with multiple quirks, they were planning to kill us and I had no option, and I wasn't going to leave Eraserhead and Thirteen there to die." Izuku says with steel in his voice looking at the blue haired boy.

Shrinking down under his gaze Izuku continued with his telling of the attack. "I refused to get killed so I did everything in my power to return as safe as I could. And I'm not going to apologize if that makes any of you uncomfortable." He says while looking away, scared that he will see fear in his new friends. Ochako was the first to reassure him that its ok, and he did what he needed. More followed, in the end they were all somewhat alright with it. Grateful that he ended up with such understanding people.

"Alright I think that's enough gloomy emotions, we are at a beach how about we relax today." Hagakure says getting up and stretching her arms. Yayoruzo that never gad a beach day with friend claps her hands and starts to make rolls of towels and a couple of other thing for a beach day. Since she was filthy rich, she just bought whatever food they needed. Izuku showing the class where to get some food for the beach he shows them to a small shop.

With the owner greeting Izuku, since training, he comes in often. They chat and he thanks him for doing a good job on the beach. Freezing he doesn't looks back at his classmates, knowing they will find out soon. "What do you mean 'Good job on the beach' sir?" Kirishima asks. Izuku tries to walk away but his arm is caught by Ochako still looking at the old owner. "Oh ho, I mean that Izuku here is the one who cleaned the beach over the years. I've seen him come almost every day for a good while and now all done my shop is getting more business." He says with a big smile.

Everyone looks at Izuku, but he tries look nonchalant about it while picking something to snack on with Ochaka still gripping his arm also looking at him with wonder in her eyes. The first to break the silence was Kaminari, "Bullshit, you cleaned the beach? I've seen pictures of how bad it was, what did you do send it all to the moon?"

"No I that test was the first time I opened a tear to the moon. And yes I cleaned the beach over a couple of years." With that everyone started to tell him what a good job and how manly he was. Finally getting back to the beach, Izuku sits downs on a beach towels while some of his classmates run out to the water. Tokoyami, Jirou, and Koda sit near thinking the same as him. With Yayoruzo making everything, including bathing suits, everyone was enjoying their days off of school while the school updates its security system.

After awhile, Ochako finally convinced Izuku to join her at the water. Taking his shirt off showing off his hard work in training, he goes into the water. With multiple people watching stunned at how chisled he was. "You can grind metal on those muscles." Hagakure says in a low voice. "Forget the metal, grind me on that." Slapping her hand on her mouth Ochako runs to the bathroom with steam billowing out. With Mina and Hagakure laughing behind her, Yayoruzo shakes her head. At the end of the day they all had fun relaxing with only Mineta getting sun burned.

After cleaning up Izuku walks everyone back to the train station to send everyone off. Waving at everyone goodbye, he joins Ochaka on her ride home. "You didn't have to walk me home." Izuku waves her concerns away. "It's fine plus I can just tear home in a second."

Accepting that, they chat about their beach day. Enjoying their time together, getting off the train they walk close and arrive at an apartment. "You live alone?" Izuku asks a little worried. "Yea my parents are working farther away, this is closer to school and a bit cheaper." Getting quiet she grabs Izuku in a tight hug thinking back to how scared she was for Izuku when she was pushed thru the portal.

Izuku surprised by the embrace, just hugs her back. "I'm glad you are OK." She says quietly. Reaching up she kisses his cheek and with a smile she goes into her apartment. Frozen by what happened he stands there for a few minutes, with a smile he portals to his living room. Getting use to her son tearing a hole in space in her living room, they made a specific area where not to go for Izukus portal. She sees her son with a dopey smile holding his cheek.

Sitting there in the living room, sipping tea and with the TV forgot, she just chuckles and says "Looks like you had a good day, what made you smile like that?" She says covering her mouth with the tea cup, still looking at her boy. Jumping at her voice he looks at her and sees his predicament, decides to run to his room. With the sound of his mother continuing to ask questions to his back.

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