53: Aftermath

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Izuku sent Eri back with Nezu after everyone calmed down, it still was the middle of the school day. He kissed her forehead and sent her on her way. Hagakure was still quite a bit shaken after the incident. She had to go thru the pain of the injury and the mental anguish of thinking she just lost her hero career because of an arrogant brat. While she could continue her career with a prosthetic, it would render her quirk moot. Thankfully, Eri has been practicing with her quirk at every chance she could. While she did have a good handle on her quirk, Izuku was sure she sent Hagakure back more than an hour.

Recovery Girl checked her all over from blood pressure to reflex in her regrow leg. Izuku stayed with her the whole time with Aizawa next to him. He didn't want to leave after something so traumatic. Aizawa didn't say anything about Monoma but Izuku was sure his teacher was seething. Izuku wasn't any better, he told them time after time that Monoma copying his quirk wouldn't end well. If he hit Hagakure somewhere more vital, she would be dead and so would Monoma.

"You are healthy as you can be. You are free to leave if you want or stay to rest." Recovery Girl declared.

"I want to see my friends." Hagakure said and moved to get off the bed.

Izuku moved forward and helped her just in case. She used his arm to steady herself on her leg. The limb was the same as it was before, mentally it was new. She took small steps and then began to walk slowly at normal strides. She shakily chuckled, "Like a baby deer's first steps."

"They get going pretty quickly, you'll be alright." Izuku laughed at the comparison.

Aizawa stood to the side and watched over them. He was happy to see his students help each other like this. "The class has been dismissed, they all should be at the dorms. I told them I would come back later." Aizawa told them.

They walked in companionable silence, for a bit and then Hagakure gave an audible shiver. "The floors are cold." She said after Izuku looked at her in question.

"Ah, right." Izuku had forgotten that she lost her leg and the boot attached to it. She was walking bare foot on the tile floor. Izuku tore a portal to his stash and gave her a pair of slippers a few sizes too big for her.

"Thanks, where do you get all this stuff? Do you steal them for a grocery store you have memorized?" She laughed while taking off her other boot and putting on the slippers.

"If I did, I would have gotten you the right size, but no it's all in my stash. Where I keep all my important stuff." He explained as they walked towards the locker rooms to change.

"What else do you have in there and where is it?" Aizawa asked from his other side.

"Lots of stuff, like legal papers, money, some snacks, and other stuff. As for where? In a forest and about six feet deep." Izuku waved in the direction of where the forest should be.

"I'm guessing you have your gun in there too?" Aizawa didn't look at him while they walked.

Izuku froze with his foot in the air and then tried to continue as if nothing happened. "What gun?" Izuku tried to look innocent but the sweat running down his brow gave him away.

"The one you used in front of three top heroes and on live TV." Aizawa said in a deadpan tone.

"They were recording that early!?" Izuku rubbed his face, he is going to lose his baby. "How badly am I in trouble?" He sighed in resignation.

"If you get it registered under your name soon and get trained under Snipe then less than you would be. Where did you get it?" Aizawa looked at his most troublesome student.

"I can keep her?" Izuku's eyes began to water when he realized there is hope. "I'll do what is needed." He nodded in determination at Aizawa. He explained where he found the safe that contained the firearm and where his stash is held in.

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