10: Back to UA

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Talking classmates greet him and Ochako when they open the door of 1A. Greeting everyone he notices that Katsuki is back, and of course glaring at Izuku. He decides to ignore him, sitting down everyone chats about who will be the sub since Aizawa was hurt at the USJ. He was thrown and hit the center fountain by the Nomu.

The time came near to the start of class and everyone sat down. Chatting quietly the door opens and in come Aizawa, bandaged on his arm that got touched by Shigiraki and also some on his head. With tense shoulders he walks into a suddenly quiet room, scanning the seats he sees Izuku. Relaxing finally he steps in, after seeing Izuku fight for his life before he blacked out he was in a panic when he woke. Thinking of the worst happened, he was informed that Izuku was in one piece and The League of Villains escaped but not before seriously injured the head villain and killing the Nomu.

Knowing his boss wouldn't lie to him, he still feels better seeing him alright himself. With shouts he stands at the podium, the class asking if Aizawa if he was alright to teach. Waving them off he starts homeroom and informs them about the sports festival.

By the end everyone was chatting about the festival when Aizawa says to Izuku "Midoriya, please meet me after school. I have an assignment that will help you in your heroing." Confused about what the assignment could be he nods and agrees to meet him at the end of the day. After class some of his friends and Ochako approached him and ask him what that was about.

He sees Ochako and thinks about the goodbye kiss before break. With a blush he tells them he had no idea but if it will help it he's all for it. The day goes on and then the meeting with Aizawa comes up, he waves his classmates good bye and goes to find him in the teachers lounge. He knocks on the door and Present Mic yells to come in "Hey listener, here to see Shouta?" Nodding, he pointed to the same caterpillar that he saw in the first day of UA. With the sleeping bag rolling over he sees Aizawa, bringing Izuku over to a private office he asks, "How are you doing kid? I've been given the reports of what happened after I passed out." He asks when they get settled in to their seats.

With a sigh Izuku says "You remember that dog that I killed for attacking me when I was younger?" He looks at Aizawa as he nods, he continued "It was like that again, I don't feel bad for killing that monster and I've studied on how to use my quirk on people without killing them. It's not really possible for me to use it on someone who wants to remain whole."

Glad to see his student still wanting to be a hero after causing some carnage, he goes on. "It's good to hear that you are alright and I want to let you know that I can see why you had to go lethal on the Nomu." With a grateful nod, Aizawa continues. "For the assignment, you have an incredible quirk for moving people out of harms way. Just like in the USJ, you will be one of the most valuable heros on the field for movement. So how does your portal ability work exactly."

"The parameters of how I can tear portals open is if I've been there before or in line of sight. The moon was the farthest and hardest, but right now I have a few places I can portal to." Izuku says as he has an idea of what the assignment is. "Perfect, I want you have as many portal points you can go to. From hospitals to populated areas. A web of points where you can send people to in an emergency." As his teacher hands him a paper of my locations of Japan. "This is a longer term assignment, over time collect places you can go to help you. Maybe over time even different counties."

Nodding with agreement they end the meeting and Izuku heads out. He sees Ochako at the gate waiting for him, he should talk about things that make his stomach flutter. "Hey Ochako, you waited for me?" He calls out. "Yep so what was the assignment." She says turing to him with a smile that made the flutters worse. Telling her about the assignment she agrees that it's a good idea. "Hey Izuku can you help me train for the Sports Festival?" She asks hopefully.

Thinking on how he could help her with what he has. He realized how similar their quirks can be used in combat, just one touch from Ochako is a K.O. and it's the same for Izuku grappling is his specialty. With shining eyes he looks at Ochako, excited to teacher her, his fighting style. "Of course and I know exactly how I can help you out. Want to start now?" He asks her, with a nod he looks around and sees they are alone tearing a hole to the door way to her apartment, they step thru quickly.

"So what's the plan?" She asks as she unlocked her door. Stopping at the doorway he tells her that he will show his fighting style that will help her. Looking back to see Izuku stopped at her door, she drags him in. "It's fine I'll go change into something then we can go." With a blush he stand in the apartment and looks around. It's very minimalist but nice for a single person. Still embarrassed by being in the house of a girl that he has feeling for, she walks back with sweats and a tank top. "Alright let's get you changed and we can go where ever we can go to train." She says putting her hair in a ponytail.

With a nod he tears into his living room and sees his mom on the couch with a blond woman. Ochako greets his mother and the guest when Izuku comes in. "Oh ho Izuku bringing in a girl to his house?" Misuki says getting up to greet him with a smirk.

She and Inko have been friends since high school, so were the kids until they fell out. But the two mothers stayed close with some regular visits to each other's houses.

With Ochako blushing Izuku says in a panic knowing his aunts teasing. "It's not like that! We are here so I can change and train for the sports festival." Hugging her nephew he looks at Ochako and looks her over. Nodding without saying anything she let's go and waves them off. Izuku rushes to his room to change and head out. Comming out he sees Ochako laughing with the two women, he thinks oh no what could they be telling her, embarrassing stories flash through his head.

Seeing Izuku approach she gets up and waves goodbye to the two women, tearing a hole they walk thru to the beach. The two women bet on how long they will last before becoming a couple.

At the beach they head to a less visible area just in case. He explains to her his fighting style of grappling that compliments his quirk, and tells her its perfect for her as well. Nodding she agrees and they get started.

Two weeks go by doing the same thing, house, house, beach and then endurance training. They only got closer and closer with each passing day.

Final day before the sports festival came and while packing to leave, a group of people wait outside the door. Izuku tells Ochaka that today will be a rest day for the sports festival he opens the door to leave. "Can I help you all?" With a tilt of his head, he was pushed aside and Katsuki yells out "Get out of the way Deku! You extras are here to see the real competition well here I am! Now move!" As he walks out alone. "Wow this is 1A, not surprised a bunch of arrogant brats." A purple haired kid walks forward. Izuku looks at him and says "Hello I'm Izuku Midoriya class 1A rep and no that is just Katsuki he won't change anytime soon."

With some surprise at the greeting he looks him over and is not impressed "So this is the famous class that fought the villains, not very impressive." Not liking how he was talking he looks right at him. Skinny, no muscle mass and looking down on everyone.
"Whatever I'm here to declare war on your class, did you know anyone who doesn't do good in the Sports Festival in the hero course can be replaced." The purple haired says as he leaves.

Another voice pipes up "Yea don't let all the glory of fighting some villains get to your head, after all class 1B is better in every way." A blond boy says with mockery in his voice. Izuku getting angry at everyone making assumptions of his class speaks up "No one here fought any villains I evacuated everyone before I was stopped by a monster. If you have a problem with us fighting villains them you only have a problem with me." He says as he turns to look at the blond, always a blond. As the student gets close he reaches out to do something, Izuku grabs his arm stopping him.

His class watching remember his quirk and winces, hoping that they won't see a flying limb in the air. "What are you doing?" Izuku says with steel in his voice, something to do with his quirk? "You must have a powerful quirk and I wanted to see what it was." As he pulls his hand away, his class thinking all the same thing, no you didn't. Ochako intervenes before something goes bad to worse. "Alright let's go Izuku." As she pulls him away headed to the exit.

After that they head off with the blond glaring at him while he rubs his arm, he had a strong grip. They leave and head to park to relax before tomorrow. Ochako turns to him "Thank you for helping me train. It's means a lot to me." She says with a smile. Returning the smile he says "Of course I'm happy to help you any time." They continue on enjoying their day off before the Festival.

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