30: Provisional License Exam

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Izuku counted heads as everyone was loaded onto the bus. He got to 19 and was confused until he remembered the class was 20 again. He got in and sat down next to an already asleep Shinso.

They arrived soon at a large building with many busses loading. They got off and looked at the many other schools, Izuku surveyed for any standouts but was interrupted by Aizawa speaking up.

"Alright, listen up. You all will be going there and getting changed into your suits after you will group up in the meeting area and the proctor will explain the exam. Also, don't embarrass UA." He said looking over the class. A chorus of 'Yes, Sir' was heard and Izuku took over for a quick speech or something motivational.

"We have all trained for this to the best of our abilities. There will be many new factors we will need to overcome and we will do just as we did before. This is just one more day and we will get thru this one way or another. If that means literally, then so be it." The speech was heard by others and they paid attention. "So are we ready to kick names and take ass!" There were many surprised laughs at the ridiculous rally call and they cheered anyway. Izuku saw the tension leave their shoulders and he was glad it worked. With a vicious grin, Izuku was satisfied with his work.

"What did I just say?" Aizawa was heard in the background. Before another voice was heard getting closer, Aizawa seemed to recognize it and grabbed Izuku by the shoulders. "Portal me anywhere, now."

Izuku with his instincts telling him there was no danger, looked at the man gripping his shoulders and shrugged. He tore a portal to the beach and before Aizawa could fast walk thru a body tackled him in a hug. "Eraserhead! So good to see you! Let's get married!" A sea foam green haired woman said with Aizawa in her arms. Mina squealed at the proposal and Aizawa looked for help with his dead eyes. So Izuku threw him a line.

"Dad, are you cheating? What would mom would think?!" The class froze at Izuku's proclamation and tried to keep a straight face while hiding giggling. "You know how she is! She will kill you then her after hearing about this!"

The woman hearing this, immediately let go in a panic. "You never told me you were married! And with a kid!" Aizawa shot Midoriya a grudging nod and told her. "I'm not and this hellspawn isn't my kid, class this is Ms.Joke."

She looked at him and then recognize him immediately, she still felt nervous but hid it behind a smile and laugh. "Oh ho good one! Trying to protect your teacher, are you?" Most heroes read the reports of the Kamino raid and what role Izuku Midoriya played and the video showed his abilities very well.

"Well, let me introduce you all to Ketsubutsu Academy's best this year my class." A gray uniformed class approached.

A boy with a similar face and hair to Izuku introduces himself with a smile. "I'm Yo Shindo, nice to meet you all. You must be Izuku Midoriya, I've heard a lot about you."

Izuku didn't take his hand and tilted his head while looking at him. He had one of the fakes smiles he has ever seen. "You need to work on that smile more. Especially the eyes, show more emotion than a face does." He lectured him to be better.

Ms. Joke was watching the interaction with some trepidation. Shindo's contorted into a frown then went neutral, no one else said anything.

Izuku waited for anyone else in the class to say anything but no one did. If they wanted to be fake and not try to be friends, Izuku wouldn't deal with it. He shrugged and turned his back to the class. Once he returned, Yayoruzo spoke up. "Was that wise? Shouldn't we try to branch out and make allies?"

"I don't want to make allies with people who don't show their true intentions. I'm sure you have seen enough of that shit with sitting in meetings with your family and their business partner." He waved her concern away. Yayoruzo thought about it and nodded he agreement.

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