13: Sports Festival Final

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Todoroki started with a wave of ice, taking a chance Izuku tore a portal in front of him to next to Todoroki. The ice user seeing the portal appear dodges as he stops the ice, looking back at where the other end of the portal is, he sees it close with Izuku out of sight. Not getting a chance to look back he feels a hard punch to his ribs.

Izuku jump thru the portal as Todoroki dodged to get close and it worked like a charm. Now in close combat, Izuku got to show how good he was. But he didn't want to win, not yet. Only when Todoroki uses his fire will he go for the win.

Staggering back from the hit, Todoroki sends another wave of ice toward his opponent. Izuku already prepared for the attack jumps over it and runs to Todoroki, the cold bitting his hands whenever he touched it. Hopefully, he didn't get frostbite like he thinks Todoroki will if he doesn't use his fire. The youngest Todoroki seeing his attack fail prepared to fight in close combat, something he is not confident in because of the close combat specialist running right at him. Covering his chest and fist in ice for some armor he bracers himself.

Izuku saw the armor and didn't think anything of it. It would only take a moment to tear it off of him. The icy gauntlet though, if he gets hit by that would not be good. Getting up close he dodges a jab from Todoroki and grabs the icy fist. Before he could tear it apart, ice began to crawl toward him on the floor. Jumping back he observed Todoroki for a moment before looking at the ice spikes he sent to Izuku in the first attack. Just going by the smile on Izukus face Todoroki should have been worried.

Spotting what he wanted, he tore the sleeves of his gym uniform, exposing his toned arms. Wrapping the sleeves around the tip of the spike and breaking it off he made himself a club. Quickly doing the same to another, he ran at Todoroki with two icy clubs. With a flurry of swings, his opponent began to retreat. Not being able to get close he shot more ice at Izuku but he worked hard on his speed and mobility.

"How can you beat ice, fire sounds pretty good to me. Why don't you use it?" Izuku said as he continues to swing at him.

"I'll win with my ice only." He said with a shiver. Getting more and more sluggish with every ice wave sent.

"You're getting slow, use your fire and fight me!" The club user said with more swings, breaking Todoroki chest armor in the process then his gauntlet of ice.

As Todoroki was swinging his arm to send more ice to Izuku, it was hit by one of the clubs. Shouting out in pain, he looked at the injury and is certain that it is broken.

"Show me your fire Todoroki! Show me it and fight!" Izuku shouted as he backed away. Ready to charge in for another flurry of swings. He really didn't know to use clubs or any kind of weapon, but he has grown attached to Clubby and Bludgeon.

Hearing Izuku voice he realized, it's his fire, not Endeavor's. He is right he is holding himself back. Firing a blast of fire right at Izuku, he gets ready for the fight.

Izuku seeing the flames rushing at him can only smile and also use his clubs as a shield. Getting pushed back he looked at his new friends and only see the melting handles.

"Clubby, Bludgeon, my comrades. You bastard." He said as he rushed at Todoroki with a smile that could only be described as battle hungry. Realizing that he couldn't get close without getting burnt to a crisp, he began to tear portals not close to Todoroki but around him. Not knowing where Izuku would pop out of. Todoroki began to burn the air and freeze the ground to make an explosion.

Izuku knows what happens when you introduce hot and cold, began to run for cover. Behind one of the waves of the ice spikes out of view of everyone, he tore into the arena floor to dig his trench or his grave. Laying flat he waited for the explosion with his hand anchoring himself in his shallow trench.

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