8: USJ

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Next morning Izuku wakes, but he feels like something is going to happen. He has no headache, so that only makes him worried. Praying it's only something he ate that is making him feel like this, he prepares and head out. Meeting up with Ochako like always, with the fixing of the tie, they walk in a peaceful silence. Until someone yells out to them, turning around they see it's Mina.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" The pink ball of energy asks, with a bit too much enthusiasm in the morning to be normal. "I'm good how's your morning Mina?" Ochako responses.

"Alright." With a shrug, looking at both of them with a smirk she asks. "You two are always together, are you mayhaps a couple?" With the tips of her fingers covering her mouth.

Both with a bright blush, Izuku says in a rush. "No no, we are just good friends. We met during the entrance exam and we became friends. That's all." Feeling slightly odd at saying that out loud. Ochako nods along, but not liking the feeling inside her at the last part.

"Oh really so your single Midori?" Mina hooking her arm in his as they continued to walk to school. Not knowing what to do in this situation, Izuku just answered in the affirmation. Ochako not liking how close Mina is getting she also hooks arms with Izukus other side. Looking at Mina, ready to defend her territory.

Mina looking back with a grin, internally laughing at getting the reaction she wanted. Meanwhile Izuku can only look back and forward from Mina and Ochako in confusion of what is going on. Arriving at school, with many looks of confusion and some of jealousy seeing him with two pretty girls on his arms. Finally arriving at the classroom door, Izuku still confusion at his predicament, Mina quickly let's go and opens the door in heads inside with the best shit eating grin at Ochako.

With the door open, eveyone could see Ochako on Izuku's arm. Now with embarrassed blush Ochako let's go and heads to her seat, glaring at a giggling Mina planning her revenge. Izuku in a just sits down trying to get past the feeling of Ochako leaving his arm. He didn't like it.

Shaking his head, Aizawa opens the door and announced "We are having a special class today, based around rescue. We will take a bus to a different facility, change into you suits and meet me outside." With that he walks back out.

With excited chatter everyone filters out. While changing in the locker room, Mineta says out loud. "Hey check it out there is a peep hole into the women's locker room! We can see what they look like!" With perverted grin, getting closer to the hole.

Iida about to reprimand him for his actions, but Izuku beats him to the punch. With a calm fury, he grabs Mineta by the top of his head making sure he doesn't tear into his skull. Yelling out in more surprise that pain the pervert looks at his captor, with eyes that scared him to his core he brings him close and whispers in his ear. Eveyone boy in the room silently watched as the grapes face went from surprise to scared to pale faced horror. No one else could hear what Izuku said to the other boy, but once he let him go, Mineta grabbed the rest of his suit and quickly walked to the other corner of the room to finish changing.

Watching him go, Izuku goes back to finish changing, with everyone else curious to what he said to scare Mineta so badly.

In the other locker room Jirou had one of her jacks in the wall ready to poke an eye out, hears what Izuku said to Mineta and is both horrified and glad that there is good guy in the class. "Everything alright Jirou, you look a bit pale." Momo asks. "I'm fine just glad Midoriya is on our side, also can you make something to plug this hole." The girls giving her odd looks they finished changing and plug the hole. Meeting up with rest of the class, Izuku approaches Momo to tell her about the peep hole but she already has it covered.

Counting heads, he confirms that everyone is here and ready to get on the bus. Iida blows a whistle saying loudly. "Line up in alphabetical order to board the bus." Izuku walks up to him. "Hey Iida, tone it down we don't need to do that also it won't matter it's a different bus layout." He says gesturing to the bus.

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