22: Training Camp Part 2

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Kirishima and Sato dragged the still in pain Izuku to the dining area, they wouldn't leave a brother behind. They sat him down in a chair and Izuku slumped forward. That boy had an arm on him. Seeing their class president still alive they left to get food following the primal voice in their heads.

Izuku was starving and wanted to get up and get food but gave up at the pain.

"I guess I'll just starve to death. I would have figured I die a glorious death but no." Izuku said voice muffled by his head on the table.

"Stop being so dramatic." As his wonderful, caring girlfriend brought him food. She set down his tray and then hers.

"I don't deserve you." With tears in his eyes as he devoured the food.

Everyone grabbed food and ate like starved dogs. There was little chatter at the beginning, so focused on food, but they started to talk amongst themselves. It was about an hour later that everyone ate their fill.

Mandalay sees everyone about ready to go into a food coma, spoke up. "Alright, you all get cleaned up and then head to bed. Training will start early tomorrow." And led them to the bathhouses, split by gender.

All the boys were seated in the hot spring, their sore muscles relaxing in the steaming water.

"Midobro, how do you look so ripped? You're not taking drugs are you?" Kirishima asked with his head only above the water. Every guy has seen each other change in the locker room and they all have well defined bodies. Not all the same, like Kaminari and Aoyama had more lithe bodies, something closer to swimmers. Others like Sato and Shoji were muscled but more rounded, swol you may say. But Izuku looked like he was chiseled from stone, he used his arm most of all for his quirk. His arm were big, Ripping and Tearing gave him a great workout. And his torso was densely packed from all the other workouts he did to balance himself out. He didn't want to be just arms and a skinny body after all.

"No, Kirishima I don't do drugs, I worked for all of this." Izuku said leaning against the lip of the pool. 'So manly' was heard quietly.

Looking around he spotted the wall separating the boys and girls, Ochako was on the other side. Shaking his head, he dispelled the intrusive thought. Mama didn't raise a pervert, Izuku was a mean green Tearing machine but also a gentleman. He did spot Mineta looking at the wall also. He did curb his tendency but this seemed too much for him. So as class president, it was his responsibility to guide him away from his deviant ways even if it means by force. With one hand he tore a portal above Mineta's head. He picked him up and turned him around to face inward and away from the wall.

He was turned away from temptation and met Izuku's eyes. With a nod, he sunk into the spring. Izuku was pleased at the improvement.

Everyone looked up at the scream, it was Kota on the wall stumbling away from the other side. That little peeper! Before he felt outraged, Kota fell backward off the lip of the wall. Thinking quickly Izuku jumped out of the pool and tore a portal facing up and the other end under the boy's falling form. He went thru and flew up a few feet from the portal before he began to fall again. With all the momentum bled off from switching from falling to going up, Izuku caught him without much impact. Looking him over and saw he was just passed out from shock.

"The little ball buster alright?" Sero asked.

"Yea he's OK, just passed out from the scare. I'm going to take him to Mandalay." Izuku said headed to the exit.

"Um, guys?" The boys heard from the other side. "Did Kota fall off, is he alright?" Hagakure asked with worry in her tone.

"Yep, the peeper is fine. Our green murder machine caught him." Kaminari shouted back.

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