18: Rip N Tear vs All Might

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Everyone's fights were interesting to watch. Not all were very exciting, like Sato's and Kirishima's fight against Cementos. But watching Kaminari and Mina run around trying to find the exit like a pair of chickens with their heads cut off was very fun to watch. Ochako's fight with Thirteen was somewhat underwhelming, she did get the win in the end and it was a pretty tough match.

His and Katsuki's fight was the last, Izuku's guessed it was so everyone could watch the number one hero beat up some kids but that was just him. Izuku was thinking up plans of passing his exam while Katsuki was off in the corner grinding his teeth into dust. He did try to go talk to the bomber man to make a plan with him but he received a glare and a 'fuck off' for his troubles. Even after all this time Katsuki has not changed, only thinking of himself above everyone else. He had hoped he had changed for the better but no luck.

Their match was about to begin. Ochako gave him a quick hug and he left. He followed Katsuki out of the room with many pats on the back for good luck. They got on the bus to head to their exam location, Izuku was still thinking of plans that would work with his assigned partner or alone. He is still hoping that Katsuki will be at least open to working together.

Plan number one is to escape, and avoid a fight if possible. It is reasonable after all they are fighting The Number One Hero. In this plan, Katsuki decides to play nice and they can both escape. He doubts plan one will ever leave the playbook.

Plan B is Katsuki goes off on his own to fight All Might meanwhile Izuku will act as backup. And when Katsuki gets his shit kicked in Izuku will tear to the exit dragging him with him. This is the most likely plan that will happen.

Plan 3, fuck Katsuki. He will just use him as a distraction to escape. While this will be the most viable way to pass, it is also the scummy way to pass.

Or plan D, Izuku tears All Might apart just like the nomu at the USJ. While possible, probably not a good idea to kill one of your teachers and Japan's favorite hero.

The bus stopped and they got off. AM was waiting with his signature smile and costume. He told them five minutes to plan and they will start. With that, he leaped into the faux city.

"Alright, do you have a plan or-" Izuku started to speak to Katsuki before he was interrupted by him.

"Shut up you Deku, just stay out of my way! This will be over in a flash!" He said with a sneer at Izuku. He started to walk into the city, finished with their planning.

Before he could get too far away Izuku caught up to him for one last attempt at cooperation. "Come on you can't seriously-". Izuku caught the gauntlet swung at his face.

"I said stay out of my way!" As Katsuki ripped his gauntlet out of Izuku's grasp.

So it seems plan B is in effect. Just after that thought, he looked ahead to see a wave of destruction coming down the main road they stood. Izuku quickly dropped to the ground and dug his fingers into the hard ground to avoid getting blown away. Like a tornado rushed passed him, everything not bolted down was blown away. Katsuki barely kept himself from flying away but not before tumbling on the ground a few times.

After the gale of wind died down he hear it. Laughing and monologing, AM was playing the villain. And by the looks of the damage caused it seems he is doing a good job at it. Katsuki didn't wait any longer and charged forward right into AM.

Izuku looks for a vantage point to portal to. A ten-story building overlooks the battle going on nearby. Tearing a portal to the roof, he turns to see the exit right in his view. He could just go now and pass but he doesn't like how it would end. Instead he portals right in front of it and then portals back to the roof. Now he can portal to exit whenever he wants to.

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