55: Build Up

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Everyone got to spend a few days with their families for New Year and it was a good break for everyone. While everyone was away,  Izuku and Eri got to spend time with Inko. Ochako was sent away to spend time with her parents by Inko. It was a nice break from work and school. Rumi even got to drop in for a few hours to spend with the Midoriyas.

The day before school started again, Izuku began to portal people back to the dorms. Ochako was one of the first people to come thru to no one's surprise. Everyone was waved goodbye by their families as they walked thru the green portal. Some were more dramatic than others.

"My baby boy! I'm going to miss you! One more day?" Shinso's mother clung to Hitoshi as he was trying to push her off.

With a red face of embarrassment, he desperately tried to move thru the portal. "Knock it off!" He looked thru the portal to see some of his classmates holding in laughter at the scene before them. His face burned brighter. "Mom!"

His mother got up from grabbing his waist and held him. "Be careful and call often. Kiss." She planted a big smooch on his burning cheek and sent him on his way. With his head lowered to hide his red face he went thru.

The class chuckled after the portal closed but no one said anything or looked at his glaring face.

The class was reunited as they settled into the couches in the common room, they chatted about their time at home. When Izuku looked over the class he could see that they let their shoulders down some and that made Izuku happy for them.

The next day Izuku and Eri walked to a private room. He knocked and peeked in to see the people waiting. Small Might, Mirio, and Sir Nighteye stopped talking and looked to the door. They waved Izuku in and he moved Eri inside after locking the door.

"Young and younger Midoriya thank you for coming." Small Might greeted them with a smile.

"Younger? Eri is now your younger sister?" Sir raised an eyebrow in question.

Eri hugged his leg in response. "Zuku is my dad."

Izuku felt that warmth in his chest and picked up Eri for a hug. "Yes, I am." He said with a smile.

After Sir collected himself, straighten up and got to business. "Is Eri ready?"

Eri for her part nodded in confidence. Izuku set her back down and they moved to Mirio who sat on the floor for easy access. He looked anxiously at everyone but didn't say anything. Izuku knelt next to Eri as she lay her hands on Mirio. She closed her eyes and focused on her quirk and how much energy she released into the blond teen. Sir and Small Might stared intently at the process. Eri's horn shrunk little by little as Mirio seemed to shift slightly, his hair shrunk and grew slightly and some blemishes appeared and disappeared. Then Eri opened her eyes and let go after a long sigh. She stumbled and Izuku caught her from behind.

"Eri, are you alright?" Izuku looked worriedly at his daughter.

She gathered herself and nodded as she stood under her own legs. "Just felt dizzy, it was a lot more than ever." She smiled at Izuku and leaned into his arms.

The other three were grouped up and waiting.  Then Mirio closed his eyes and phased thru the ground. Sir let out a relieved sigh and Small Might gave out a cheer. Eri pumped her fist in success and then her eyes were covered preemptively by Izuku. She let out a sound of surprise at her father's actions. Mirio appeared from the ground that second with a smile that fit better on a madman and as naked as the day he was born.

"Clothes, Mirio." Izuku broke the upperclassmen's joy. He quickly grabbed his pants and slipped them on and gave a thumbs up with a giant grin. Izuku moved his hands from Eri's eyes once it was clear.

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