47: School Festival Finale

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The day has been going great for the Chaos Class. People have been streaming in at a steady pace and the only problem Izuku had to deal with was that man harassing Hagakure. Some of their sister class showed up and ordered their food while judging their rival class.

Class 1B has been distant ever since Izuku beat their teacher. Most still fear the class president of 1A even after he was vital for the survival of the camp. Izuku would rather have everyone be friendly but with Vlad King disapproving of him, it wouldn't happen any time soon.

It was getting close to noon when Izuku decided to take a break and sit down with Eri and his mother. Rumi had left a while ago to get back to work. He sat with Eri at his side, she smiled happily at him. Izuku smiled back and patted her head while he snacked on some food he grabbed. There he sat and talked with his mother about nothing in particular. It was a peaceful time and he was grateful that it has happened.

Then he looked out the window and his peaceful time got ruined. Out the window in the sky, he saw a man and a smaller woman. A  man Izuku recognized from Kaminari's phone. Inko noticed her son's angry face and followed his eyesight.

Izuku kissed the top of Eri's head and said. "I'll be right back, little one." Then he got up from his seat and began to walk to the exit. "Izuku? Everything alright?" His girlfriend called out after seeing his expression.

"It will be." He said with cheer in his voice. That made his class snap their heads to him.

"What's goi-" "Greeting, Heroes! It is I the Gentle Criminal to bless you with my appearance! With my lovely associate behind the camera, La Brava!" Sero's worried voice was cut off by a louder voice coming from outside.

The class president continued to walk outside with many of his classmates following and some trying to keep the customers calm. Inko sat calmest of them all while she drank her tea. Eri was curious about what was happening but with her savior close and Inko looking calm she wasn't too worried.

Izuku continued to look up at the villain with everyone else also looking up at the display. Some thought it was an act but after seeing many heroes get serious they understood it wasn't part of the festival.

"-To show you what a true gentleman is. You! I know you, you dress like a gentleman but you are the complete opposite of what I strive for!" Gentle Criminal stopped and pointed at Izuku. The camera La Brava was holding swung towards where he was pointing and stayed there.

"Gentleman? Come down here so we can speak. Like gentlemen." Izuku's voice came out and the Chao Class behind him was getting nervous at his tone.

Many heroes were taking the opportunity to move into positions and subdued the villain. The villain saw this and moved into a different position while standing on what appeared to be nothing.

"How ungentlemanly of trying to sneak up behind us like that!" He shouted as the two bounced from place to place.

Nejire flew up in a dress and headed toward the villain but hit something in the air and bounced off. She was sent sprawling thru the air and landed in a stand. Snipe shot at the villain but the bullets seemed to also bounce off and ricochet into the ground. Snipe immediately stopped firing after seeing that.

"Right then, you don't want to come down? Fine then." Izuku scrapped the sleeves off his jacket and shirt to move more easily.

There was a tear behind Izuku and he turned to see it was Mina who literally tore her phone out of her pocket and began to record. He shook his head and turned back.

"Ah Midoriya, remember there are civilians here!" Yayoruzo was worried about what her classmate would do with so many eyes watching.

"Let's hope Eri isn't as squeamish as I think she is." Todoroki said blandly.

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